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The Floor
Floor Feed

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  • Lee amendment #521 agreed to voice vote
  • 3:51am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Lee motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Lee amendment #673 (2nd amendment point of order); Not Waived: 50-49
  • 3:44am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Cruz amendment #702 (UN/abortion point of order) Not Agreed to: 38-61
  • 3:37am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Cruz amendment #471 (reduce Egypt foreign aid/increase for East Coast missile defense fund) Not Agreed to: 25-74
  • 3:29am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Vitter amendment #338 (end mobile phone subsidies) Not Agreed to: 46-53
  • 3:22am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Vitter amendment #526 (voter ID) Not Agreed to: 44-54
  • 3:12am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Paul amendment #382 (DOT bridge/foreign aid) Not Agreed to: 26-72
  • 2:04am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Crapo #318 (mandatory health savings) Not Agreed to: 47-52
  • 1:45am The Senate began a roll call vote on Ayotte #136 (MEADS), Agreed To: 94-5
  • 1:30am vote sequence: Flake #225 (earmark point of order); Graham #329 (sequester-allow members of congress to donate 20% of salary); Heller #293 (sage grouse populations); Boozman #527 (eminent domain); Portman #153 (promote exports) Ayotte #136 (MEADS);
  • 1:12am The Senate began a roll call vote on Shelby 340 (cost-benefit analysis of promulgated rules; Not AGreed To: 47-52
  • We hope to do some of these by voice vote. 1:00am vote sequence Johanns #624 (health care), agreed to by voice vote Corker #295 (HSA and FSA), withdrawn Burr #232 (BARDA), agreed to by voice vote Wicker #538 (supermajority to waive unfunded mandate p.o.o.), agreed to by voice vote Coburn #412...
  • 12:44am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Portman amendment #152 (medical malpractice reconciliation instructions) Not Agreed To: 43-56
  • 12:16am The Senate began a roll call vote on Sessions #614 (immigrants/health care); Not Agreed to: 43-56
  • 11:56pm The Senate began a roll call vote on Inhofe amendment #359 (greenhouse gas); Not Agreed To: 47-52 The Cardin amendment #706 was agreed to by voice vote
  • 11:50pm vote series: -          Cardin #706 (carbon emissions/side-by-side to Inhofe); -          Inhofe #359 (green house gases); -          Menendez #705 (immigration-health care-side-by-side to Sessions ); -          Sessions #614 ( immigrants/health care); -          Merkley #696 (prosecutions...
  • 11:32pm The Senate began a roll call vote on Scott amendment #597 (union dues-Federal workers); Not Agreed To: 43-56
  • Brown #455 was agreed to by voice vote
  • 11:15pm The Senate began a roll call vote on Johnson (WI) amendment #213; Not Agreed To: 46-53
  • 11:08pm Vote Series: -          McCaskill #366 (federal and state credentialing) -          Johnson (WI) #213 (Social Security/Medicare); -          Brown #455 (manufacturing); -          Scott #597 (federal workers-union fees); -          Majority amendment No second degree amendments in order to...