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  • No ROLL CALL VOTES LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Concurred in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2838, an act to reauthorize appropriations for the Coast Guard for fiscal years 2013 through 2014, and for other purposes by voice vote. Passed H.R.3783, the Countering Iran in Western Hemisphere Act...
  • The Senate is in a period of morning business with until 6:00pm with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10- minutes each.
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that when the Senate receives the papers with respect to H.R.4310, the Senate's passage of H.R.4310, as amended, be vitiated; that adoption of the Senate amendment be vitiated; that the amendment, the text of S.3245, as amended by the Senate, be modified with the...
  • Convenes: 9:30am Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 2:00pm.  The first hour will be equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Majority controlling the final...
  • ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.3637, the transaction account guarantee (TAG) extension legislation; Invoked: 76-20 2)      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #762 John E. Dowdell, of Oklahoma, to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of...
  • The Bernal nomination was confirmed by voice vote. There will be no further roll call votes during today's sessions of the Senate.
  • 4:32pm The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #762 John E. Dowdell, of Oklahoma, to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Oklahoma; Confirmed: 95-0
  • At 4:00pm today, the Senate will execute the order with respect to the Dowdell and Bernal nominations. There will be up to 30 minutes for debate prior to votes on confirmation of the nominations. We expect a roll call vote on confirmation of the Dowdell nomination and a voice vote on confirmation of...
  • Under the previous order, the motion to proceed to S.3637, TAG bill, was agreed to. Senator Reid then filled the "amendment tree" with technical amendments and filed cloture on the bill. The cloture vote is expected to occur on Thursday. For the information of senators, at 4:00pm today, the Senate...
  • 2:17pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.3637, a bill to temporarily extend the transaction account guarantee program  (TAG program); Invoked: 76-20
  • Convenes: 10:00am Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business for one hour with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each with the Majority controlling the first half and the Republicans controlling the final half. Following morning business,...
  • No ROLL CALL VOTES   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Passed H.R.3187, the March of Dimes Commemorative Coin Act. Adopted S.Res.612, a resolution honoring the life and legacy of the Honorable Arlen Specter, distinguished former Senator for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. No EXECUTIVE ITEMS
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the nominations of John Dowdell and Jesus Bernal at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, in consultation with the Republican Leader. When the Senate considered the nominations, there will be 30 minutes for debate equally divided in the usual...
  • Tonight's 5:30pm vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.3637, a bill to temporarily extend the transaction account guarantee program, will now occur at 2:15pm tomorrow, Tuesday, December 11. If cloture is invoked on the motion to proceed tomorrow, the Senate will...
  • Convenes: 2:00pm Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 5:00pm with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.3637, the transaction...
  • ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Passage of H.R.6156, the Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012; 92-4 2)      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #761, the nomination of Mark E. Walker, of FL, to be United States District Judge for the Northern...
  • Senator Reid asked unanimous consent that at 1:30pm today, the Senate proceed to the consideration of S.3664, which is regarding the debt limit increases, that there be no amendments in order to the bill, there be up to 10 minutes of debate equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees,...
  • 12:43pm The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #761, the nomination of Mark E. Walker, of FL, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Florida; Confirmed: 94-0
  • 12:09pm The Senate began a roll call vote on passage of H.R.6156, the Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012; 92-4
  • During Leader remarks today, Senator McConnell asked consent that it be in order to vote on an amendment, which is the President's debt limit extension proposal, to the Russian PNTR measure (H.R.6156). Senator Reid objected to this request.  The unofficial transcript of their remarks is below. MR....