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Floor Feed

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  • S.2745, Farm bill extension through April 18.
  • Resume consideration of S.Con.Res.70, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget FY 2009. The following amendments are pending to S.Con.Res.70: Baucus #4160: (Tax Relief) Graham #4170: (Bush Tax Cuts) Bingaman #4173 (Innovation) Specter #4189: (Permanent AMT Relief) Conrad #4190: (AMT Repeal with...
  • S.2516, a bill to assist members of the Armed Forces in obtaining U.S. citizenship H.Con.Res.270, a concurrent resolution to correct the enrollment of H.R.1593, the Second Chance Act H.R.1593, the Second Chance Act S.Res.390, a resolution designating March 11, 2008, as National Funeral Director and...
  • Morning Business for one hour with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Majority controlling the final half (10 minute limitations). Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of S. Con. Res. 70, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget FY 2009, for debate only...
  • S. Con Res.66, Kingdom of Thailand S. Res.178, Guatemala
  • Morning Business until 3:00pm, with the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees (10 minute limitations) * 3:00pm proceed to the consideration of S.Con.Res 70, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget FY 2009 The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am Tuesday,...
  • S.2733, a bill to temporarily extend the programs under the Higher Education Act (Extends until April 30, 2008) S.Res.476, a resolution designating March 25, 2008 as Greek Independence Day
  • Morning Business with senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each The Senate stands adjourned until 2:00pm Monday, March 10
  • S.Res.475:a resolution congratulating Iowa State University of Science and Technology on its 150 years of leadership and service to the United States and the world as IowaKs land grant university Nomination of Hector E. Morales, Ambassador to the Organization of American States
  • On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 4040 As Amended ; A bill to establish consumer product safety standards and other safety requirements for children's products and to reauthorize and modernize the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Result: Passed (79-13, 8 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details:...
  • On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 4040 As Amended ; A bill to establish consumer product safety standards and other safety requirements for children's products and to reauthorize and modernize the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Result: Passed (79-13, 8 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details:...
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4097: Motion To Table Vitter Amdt. No. 4097; To allow the prevailing party in certain civil actions related to consumer product safety rules to recover attorney fees. Result: Agreed to (56-39, 5 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4097: Motion To Table Vitter Amdt. No. 4097; To allow the prevailing party in certain civil actions related to consumer product safety rules to recover attorney fees. Result: Agreed to (56-39, 5 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • Morning business for up to one hour with the time equally divided. The Majority will control the first half and the Republicans will control the final half. (10 minute limitations) *Following morning business, resume consideration of S.2663, a bill to reform the Consumer Product Safety...
  • S.Res.455, a resolution calling for peace in Darfur H.Con.Res.289, a concurrent resolution honoring and praising the NAACP on the occasion of its 99th anniversary S.Res.462, a resolution designating the first week of April 2008 as "National Asbestos Awareness Week" S.Res.473, a resolution...
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4094: Motion To Table Cornyn Amdt. No. 4094 As Modified Further; To prohibit State attorneys general from entering into contingency fee agreements for legal or expert witness services in certain civil actions relating to Federal consumer product safety rules,...
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4094: Motion To Table Cornyn Amdt. No. 4094 As Modified Further; To prohibit State attorneys general from entering into contingency fee agreements for legal or expert witness services in certain civil actions relating to Federal consumer product safety rules,...
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 4105: Klobuchar Amdt. No. 4105 As Modified; To authorize appropriations for necessary or appropriate travel, subsistence, and related expenses, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (96-0, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 4105: Klobuchar Amdt. No. 4105 As Modified; To authorize appropriations for necessary or appropriate travel, subsistence, and related expenses, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (96-0, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • Morning Business for up to 1 hour, with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Majority controlling the final half (10 minute limitations). *Following Morning Business, resume consideration of S.2663, a bill to reform the Consumer Product Safety Commission Pending amendments: Pryor...