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Floor Feed

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  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 799: Voinovich Amdt. No. 799; To make grants and loans to States and other organizations to strengthen the economy, public health and environment of the United States by reducing emissions from diesel engines. Result: Agreed to (92-1, 7 members not voting, 1/2...
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 817: Hagel Amdt. No. 817; To provide for the conduct of activities that promote the adoption of technologies that reduce greenhouse gas intensity in the United States and in developing countries and to provide credit-based financial assistance and investment protection for...
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 817: Hagel Amdt. No. 817; To provide for the conduct of activities that promote the adoption of technologies that reduce greenhouse gas intensity in the United States and in developing countries and to provide credit-based financial assistance and investment protection for...
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 783: Nelson (FL) Amdt. No. 783; To strike the section providing for a comprehensive inventory of Outer Continental Shelf oil and natural gas resources. Result: Rejected (44-52, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 783: Nelson (FL) Amdt. No. 783; To strike the section providing for a comprehensive inventory of Outer Continental Shelf oil and natural gas resources. Result: Rejected (44-52, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • H.R.6, the Energy bill
  • S.Res.178, a resolution regarding the U.S.-E.U. Summit
  • On the Cloture Motion: Upon Reconsideration, Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Nomination of John R. Bolton, of Maryland, to be Representative of the United States to the United Nations Result: Rejected (54-38, 8 members not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Cloture Motion: Upon Reconsideration, Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Nomination of John R. Bolton, of Maryland, to be Representative of the United States to the United Nations Result: Rejected (54-38, 8 members not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • H.R.6, the Energy bill Nomination of John R. Bolton, of Maryland, to be U.S. Representative to the United Nations
  • S.Res.174, a resolution to recognize Burmese democracy activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi S.Res.175, a resolution commending the University of Michigan softball team for winning the NCAA Division I Championship on June 8, 2005
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 791: Bingaman Amdt. No. 791; To establish a renewable portfolio standard. Result: Agreed to (52-48, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 784: Cantwell Amdt. No. 784 As Modified; To improve the energy security of the United States and reduce United States dependence on foreign oil imports by 40 percent by 2025. Result: Rejected (47-53, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 791: Bingaman Amdt. No. 791; To establish a renewable portfolio standard. Result: Agreed to (52-48, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 784: Cantwell Amdt. No. 784 As Modified; To improve the energy security of the United States and reduce United States dependence on foreign oil imports by 40 percent by 2025. Result: Rejected (47-53, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • H.R.6, the Energy bill
  • S.1140, a bill to designate the State Rte 1 Bridge in the State of Delaware as the "Senator William V. Roth, Jr. Bridge" H.R.483, an Act to designate a U.S. Courthouse in Brownsville, TX as the "Reynaldo G. Garza and Filemon B. Vela U.S. Courthouse"
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 779: Domenici Amdt. No. 779, As Modified; To eliminate methyl tertiary butyl ether from the United States fuel supply, to increase production and use of renewable fuel, and to increase the Nation's energy independence. Result: Agreed to (70-26, 4 members not voting, 1/2...
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 779: Domenici Amdt. No. 779, As Modified; To eliminate methyl tertiary butyl ether from the United States fuel supply, to increase production and use of renewable fuel, and to increase the Nation's energy independence. Result: Agreed to (70-26, 4 members not voting, 1/2...
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 782: Motion to Table Schumer Amdt. No. 782; To strike the reliable fuels subtitle of the amendment. Result: Agreed to (69-28, 3 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]