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The Floor

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  • The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the Russia-Moldova PNTR bill with no amendments in order. There will now be up to 5 hours for debate equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees. Tomorrow, Thursday, December 6, at a time to be determined by the Majority...
  • At 5pm today the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #676, the nomination of Michael P. Shea, of Connecticut, to be US District Judge for the District of Connecticut. There will be up to 30 minutes for debate prior to a vote on confirmation of...
  • Senator Cornyn asked unanimous consent the Senate take up and pass H.R.6429, the STEM Jobs Act. Senator Schumer objected and then asked consent that the Judiciary Committee be discharged from further consideration of S.3553, and the Senate take up and pass S.3553, the BRAINS Act. Senator Cornyn...
  • The Defense Authorization bill passed the Senate 98-0. Following the vote, Senator Reid moved to proceed to Calendar #552, H.R.6156, Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012.
  • The following amendments to S.3254, NDAA, have been agreed  to by consent: -       Kyl #2927, as modified (National Nuclear Security Administration) -       Akaka #3019 (state trade and export promotion grant program) -       Toomey #3062 (GAO reports) -       Brown (OH) #3113, as modified (HUB...
  • The following amendments were agreed to by unanimous consent: Coats #2923, as modified (Indemnification of property transferees) Webb #2943 (DOD law enforcement eligibility) Casey #2997, as modified (transition Assistance Advisor Program) Cardin #3023 (hazing in Coast Guard) Wicker #3121, as...
  • The following amendments were agreed to by voice vote: Pryor #3291 (veterans employment and training) Collins #3282 (prescription drug take back program) Reed (RI) #3292 (consumer credit for members of the AF) Reed (RI) #3165 (Housing assistance for veterans) We also reached an agreement that a vote...
  • The following amendments are pending to S.3254, the National Defense Authorization Act: Kyl amendment #3123, as modified (US-Russia nuclear arms, missile defense, and long-range conventional strike system matters) McCain amendment #3262, as modified (Syria) The following amendments have been...
  • There will be a series of 2 roll call beginning at 5:30pm Monday, December 3. Those votes will be in relation to the following items: - Confirmation of the nomination of Executive Calendar #760, Paul William Grimm, of Maryland, to be United States Judge for the District of Maryland, and - Cloture on...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #676 Michael P. Shea, of Connecticut, to be US District Judge for the District of Connecticut. At a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, in consultation of the Republican Leader, there will be 30 minutes...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that there be no amendments in order to the Treaty or the resolution of ratification; that following Leader remarks on Tuesday, December 4th, the time until 12 noon be divided in the usual form; that at 12 noon, the Senate proceed to vote on the Resolution of...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #760, Paul William Grimm, of Maryland, to be United States Judge for the District of Maryland. At 5:00pm on Monday, December 3, there will be 30 minutes for debate prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination.
  • The managers of the Defense Authorization bill are trying to reach an agreement to limit first degree amendments to the bill. However, no agreement has been reached yet. As a result of this impasse, Senator Reid filed cloture on S.3254. The cloture vote will occur following the judge vote (Grimm...
  • The following amendments have been agreed to by unanimous consent. Wyden #2959 Bingaman #2984 Grassley #3079 Barrasso #3082 Vitter #3087, as modified Klobuchar #3102 Klobuchar #3105 Murkowski #3135 Warner #3145 Collins #3196, as modified Barrasso #3198 Klobuchar #3234 Reid #3244 McCain #3247, as...
  • The following amendments were agreed to: Blumenthal #2940 Brown (MA) #3036 Toomey #3064 Levin #3114 Casey #3193 Risch #3213 Wicker #3220 Johanns #3222 Coburn #3237 Levin #3243 Lieberman #3256 Cornyn #3260 McCain #3261 Kyl #3271 Webb #3275 Nelson (NE) #3279
  • There will be no further roll call votes during today's session of the Senate. Prior to the vote on the Feinstein amendment, Senator Levin asked unanimous consent that the next amendments in order be the following: Sessions amendment #3009 Cardin amendment #3025 Menendez amendment #3232 Nelson FL...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that results in 2 roll call votes tonight at 9:30pm. Those votes will be in relation the following amendments: -          Ayotte #3254 (Guantanamo) -          Feinstein #3018 (detainees) The Lieberman amendment #3090, as modified (Fire/Safer Grants) was agreed...
  • The Senate agreed to the Whitehouse amendment #3180 (recalcitrant cancers) by voice vote. Additional roll call votes are possible tonight and tomorrow as the managers work through amendments to the Defense Authorization bill.
  • The Senate has agreed to the following amendments by voice vote: Portman #2995 (DoD education) Blumenthal #3124, as modified (human trafficking) Inhofe #2972 (Taps) The managers intend to continue to consider amendments throughout the afternoon and evening. As a result, senator's schedules should...
  • The following amendments were agreed to by unanimous consent: Webb #2948 Sessions #2962 Inhofe #2971 Casey #2986 Murray #2989 Vitter #3085 Coburn #3110 Manchin #3166 Boxer #2981