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The Floor

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  • The motion to waive the Budget point of order was agreed to 60-37. The Senate then agreed to Reed amendment #2874 by voice vote. At 3:02pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.R.3979, Emergency Unemployment Benefits Extension Act; Invoked: 61-35 This will...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement on H.R.3979, the legislative vehicle for the Unemployment Insurance Extension bill.  Under the agreement, there will be up to 3 roll call votes (2 expected) at 2:30pm today and one roll call vote at 5:30pm on Monday.  The details of the agreement are below. At...
  • The Senate confirmed the following nominations by voice vote: -        Executive Calendar #520 Tomasz P. Malinowski, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; -        Executive Calendar #679 Portia Y. Wu, of the District of Columbia, to...
  • Senator Vitter attempted to call up amendment #2931 (prohibit concurrent receipt of emergency unemployment benefits and Social Security disability benefits) in the third degree to Reid #2874 to H.R.3970. The chair ruled that the amendment is not in order as it is inconsistent with the Senate's...
  • We are told the Republicans intend to make a motion to table one of the pending Reid amendments in the 4:15pm range to make it in order to offer an amendment. If the motion to table fails, we expect Senator Vitter will attempt to offer amendment #2931 (prohibit concurrent receipt of emergency...
  • Senator Flake asked unanimous consent that it be in order to call up amendment #2935 (additional ACA plans). Senator Durbin objected.
  • Senator Vitter asked unanimous consent the Veterans Affairs' Committee be discharged from further consideration of H.R.3521 and pass H.R.3521, Department of Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facility Lease Authorization Act of 2013, as amended by a Vitter amendment (pay-for through price controls for...
  • Senator Moran asked unanimous consent that it be in order to call up amendment #2911(formation and growth of new businesses/STEM Visas). Senator Reed objected.
  • Senator Blunt asked unanimous consent that it be in order to call up amendment #2885 (to create a point of order against any legislation that would create a Federal tax or fee on carbon emissions). Senator Reed objected
  • Senator Vitter asked unanimous consent that it be in order to offer up amendment #2931 (prohibit concurrent receipt of emergency unemployment benefits and Social Security disability benefits). Senator Reid objected
  • On Wednesday, April 2, 2014, at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, in consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the following nominations:   -        Executive Calendar #520 Tomasz P. Malinowski, of the District of Columbia, to be...
  • Executive Calendar #683, Christopher P. Lu, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of Labor, was confirmed by voice vote.
  • We've added the Carlin nomination (Assistant AG) to the series of votes this afternoon. As a result, there will be up to 3 roll call votes (only expect 2 roll calls) beginning at 2:30pm, if all time is used. At 2:15pm, there will be up to 15 minutes for debate equally divided prior to a series of...
  • Yesterday, Senator Reid filed cloture on the substitute amendment #2874 (Unemployment Insurance extension) and H.R.3970. The filing deadline for first degree amendments is 2:30pm today.
  • The Senate adopted the motion to proceed to H.R.3979, the UI Compensation Extension, by voice vote. Senator Reid then offered substitute amendment #2874, filled the remaining slots in the amendment tree, and filed cloture on the substitute amendment and underlying bill. Under Rule 22, the cloture...
  • Senator Menendez asked unanimous consent the Judiciary committee be discharged from further consideration of S.Res.404, honoring the accomplishments and legacy of Cesar Estrada Chavez. Senator Sessions asked to modify the request with a Vitter amendment at the desk. Senator Menendez did not accept...
  • Senator Wyden asked unanimous consent to take up and pass Calendar #336, S.2157 with a Wyden substitute amendment (Full SGR Repeal with OCO and additional offsets). Senator Hatch objected. Senator Hatch then asked unanimous consent to take up and pass Calendar #330, S.2122, Responsible Medicare SGR...
  • Senator Sessions made a point of order that H.R.4302 violates section 201-A of S.Con.Res.21, the concurrent resolution on the Budget for fiscal year 2008. Senator Wyden moved to waive all applicable points of order. At 5:30pm today there will be a series of up to 4 votes (we expect 3 roll calls and...
  • Senator Wyden asked unanimous consent that following disposition of the Owens nomination tonight, the Senate proceed to a vote on passage of Calendar #336, S.2157, Commonsense Medicare SGR Repeal and Beneficiary Access Improvement Act of 2014 (Full SGR repeal with OCO and other House-passed...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to vote on passage of the SGR bill on Monday, March 31, with a 60-affirmative vote point of order. We expect a Republican to raise a Budget point of order against the bill prior to the vote on passage. As a result of this agreement beginning at 5:30pm on Monday,...