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The Floor

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  • Senator Schumer asked unanimous consent to pass a clean Coast Guard Authorization (minus the VIDA provision). Senator McConnell asked that the request be revised and that the Senate vote on an amendment to strike VIDA prior to a vote on the Coast Guard Authorization. Senator Schumer declined to...
  • The confirmation vote on Muniz/Education will now occur at 4:30pm today. We expect the confirmation vote on Bridenstine/NASA to occur tomorrow.  4:30pm Wednesday—1 roll call vote1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #376, Carlos Muniz, of Florida, to be General...
  • Senator Flake asked unanimous consent to take up and pass Calendar #300, H.R. 1551, with a Flake substitute amendment (DACA/border). Senator Cotton objected. 
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a roll call vote on confirmation of the Muniz nomination at 2pm tomorrow. Notwithstanding Rule 22, if applicable, at 1:00pm tomorrow, Wednesday, April 18th, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #376, Carlos Muniz, of Florida,...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a roll call vote on confirmation of the Muniz nomination at 2pm tomorrow. Notwithstanding Rule 22, if applicable, at 1:00pm tomorrow, Wednesday, April 18th, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #376, Carlos Muniz, of Florida,...
  • At 5:34pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to S.140, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act; Invoked: 54-41  If cloture is not invoked, we expect McConnell to tear down the amendment tree, make a new motion to...
  • Cloture was invoked on the Jennings nomination by a vote of 94-2.  The nomination was then confirmed by voice vote. The Senate then resumed Legislative session and Senator McConnell moved to concur in the House amendment to S.140, a bill to amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights...
  • At 9:30am tomorrow, all post-cloture time will expire on the Pizzella nomination and the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination. Upon disposition of the Pizzella nomination, there will be 2 minutes for debate prior to a cloture vote on the Wheeler nomination. Senators should expect 2...
  • At a time to be determined, there will be 10 hours for debate equally divided prior to a vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #376, Carlos G. Muniz, of Florida, to be General Counsel, Department of Education. 
  • Senator McConnell filed cloture on the following nominations: 1.       Executive Calendar #539, Claria Horn Boom, of Kentucky, to be US District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky2.       Executive Calendar #728, John F. Ring, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of...
  • By unanimous consent, the Senate adopted H.Con.Res.116, Enrollment Correction to change the title of H. R. 1625 (Omnibus) w/Risch Amendment #2226 re: naming of a wilderness area.   Votes in relation to the omnibus appropriations bill are still possible tonight, but no agreement has been...
  • Votes with respect to the omnibus appropriations bill are still expected this evening. We could see 3 votes tonight—cloture, motion to waive budget points of order, and motion to concur (passage). Another message will be sent when an agreement comes together.  We conducted the following...
  • Senator Collins asked unanimous consent that when the Senate proceeds to the consideration of the House message to accompany HR 1625, omnibus appropriations bill, the Collins-Alexander amendment #2216 (market stabilization) be considered and agreed to. Senator Murray objected. Senator...
  • Senator Durbin asked unanimous consent that the Judiciary Committee be discharged from further consideration of S.1615, the Dream Act of 2017, and that the Senate take up and pass the bill. Senator Tillis asked that the request be modified so that the Senate resume consideration of H.R.2579,...
  • At 2:10 PM Senator McConnell asked unanimous consent that the Senate take up and confirm Executive Calendar #42,  the nomination of Richard Grenell to be Ambassador to Germany.  Senator Merkley objected.  The Senate has resumed consideration of the motion to proceed to S.1519, the...
  • There will now be an additional 45 minutes for debate, 5 minutes for Murphy, Coons, Cardin, Lee, Sanders, and 15 minutes for Corker prior to the vote. Upon the use or yielding back of time (approximately 4:40pm), there will be a roll call vote in relation to the Sanders motion to discharge S.J.Res....
  • Senator Sanders asked unanimous consent to vote on Sanders amendment #2114 and Sanders amendment #2155. Senator Crapo objected.  Senator Sanders then made a point of order that the pending measure violates section 4106 of H.Con.Res.71, the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year...
  • Senator McConnell modified the pending substitute with the text of amendment #2183.  He then filed cloture on the substitute, as modified, and on the underlying bill, S.2155, Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act. Then he filed cloture on Executive Calendar #598, the...
  • Senator Flake asked unanimous consent the Senate proceed to Calendar #300, H.R.1551 (a tax vehicle) and agree to a Flake amendment that is the text of Calendar #338, S.2464, a bill to improve border security and to provide conditional provision residence to certain long-term residents who entered...