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The Floor

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  • S.398, Indian Child Abuse Prevention (with a Dorgan technical amendment) S.1532, Tornado Tax Relief
  • S.Res.214, a resolution calling upon the Iranian government to release Dr. Haleh Eafandiari S.Res.217, a resolution designating the week of May 20, 2007, as "Hurricane Preparedness Week" S.Res.218, a resolution authorizing the printing of a collection of the rules of the committees of the...
  • H.Con.Res.128, authorizing the printing of a commemorative document in memory of the late President of the United States, Gerald Rudolph Ford S.1352, H.R.414, H.R.437, H.R.625, H.R.988, H.R.1402, Post Office Designations
  • S.375, Indian Self Determination - Two Tribes in Oregon H.R.2080, D.C. Schools S.33, a bill to redesignate an office in Department of Education
  • S.254, Brumidi Congressional Gold Medal S.Res.130, a resolution designating July 28, 2007 as "National Day of the American Cowboy"
  • S.Res.208, a resolution encouraging the elimination of fishing subsidies S.Res.209, a resolution expressing support for the new power sharing government in Northern Ireland
  • H.Con.Res.123, authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run H.Con.Res.79, authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the soap box derby H.Con.Res.62, supporting the goals and ideals of a National Children and Family Day S.Res.204, a...
  • H.Con.Res.121, a concurrent resolution recognizing the benefits and importance of school-based music education S.Res.202, a resolution designating May 14-18, 2007 as "National Health Information Technology Week"
  • S.Res.192, a resolution recognizing National Nurses Week H.Con.Res.71, a concurrent resolution commemorating the 85th anniversary of the founding of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association S.Res.198, a resolution designating May 15, 2007 as "National MPS Awareness Day"
  • S.Res.194, a resolution commemorating the 40th anniversary of the landmark case, "In re: Gault, et al."
  • S.Con.Res.29, a concurrent resolution encouraging the recognition of the Negro Baseball Leagues (with Bunning technical amendment) S.Res.193, a resolution designating the week of May 6-12 as "North American Occupational Safety and Health Week" and May 9, 2007, as "Occupational Safety and Health...
  • H.Con.Res.124, a concurrent resolution authorizing use of the Capitol Grounds for the Peace Officers Memorial
  • S.Res.189, Legal Counsel Representation S.Res.190, a resolution to express condolences of the Nation to the community of Greensburg, Kansas
  • S.Res.186, a resolution relating to hunger awareness S.Res.187, a resolution relating to violence in Estonia S.Res.188, a resolution relating to the accession of Israel to the Convention on the OECD
  • S.Res.150, a resolution relating to the dedication and service of public servants
  • S.Res.155, a resolution relating to the violence in Guatemala S.Res.181, a resolution relating to the achievements of the U.S. Air Force Academy's Football program S.Res.141, a resolution relating to the International Commission of the International Tracing Services S.Res.182, a resolution honoring...
  • S.Res.174, a resolution honoring the entrepreneurial spirit of small business concerns in the U.S. during National Small Business Week S.Res.175, a resolution recognizing the 59th Anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel
  • S.Res.172, a resolution commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia
  • S.Res.167, a resolution congratulating the University of Wisconsin Men's indoor track and field team on becoming the 2006-2007 NCAA Division I Indoor Track & Field Champions S.Res.168, a resolution congratulating the University of Wisconsin Women's hockey team for winning the 2007 NCAA Division...
  • S.Res.165, a resolution relative to the death of Representative Juanita Millender-McDonald, of California S.Res.166, a resolution to commemorate the lifetime achievements of the Rev. Leon H. Sullivan H.R.1681, Red Cross Governance