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The Floor

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  • S.1720, a bill to provide for federal court proceedings in Plano, Texas
  • H.R.3365, Military Tax Fairness (with McCain-Baucus-Grassley substitute amendment) S.Res.257, a resolution regarding tax relief for U.S. military personnel S.J.Res.22, 50th Anniversary of service of the Agricultural Research service S.Con.Res.58, a sense of Congress raising awareness and encouraging...
  • S.1400, Ocean Observation and Coastal Systems Act S.1757, a bill toauthorize appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts S.269, Captive Wildlife Safety Act S.1210, Marine Turtle Conservation Act of 2003 H.R.3288, S-CHIP Corrections H.Con.Res.159, a concurrent resolution...
  • S.Con.Res.76, a concurrent resolution recognizing that November 2, 2003, shall be dedicated to "A Tribute to Survivors" at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • H.R.743, a bill to amend the Social Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide additional safeguards for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries with representative payees, to enhance program protections, and for other purposes S.1066, a bill to correct a...
  • S.247, a bill to reauthorize the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act
  • S.1768, a bill to extend the National Flood Insurance program for one year S.1194, a bill to foster local collaboration to ensure resources are effectively and efficiently used within the criminal and juvenile justice systems S.1146, Indian Reservation Healthcare Facility -- Fort Berthold Indian...
  • S.Res.239, a resolution designating "National Native American Veterans Day" S.Res.240, a resolution designating "National American Indian Heritage Month"
  • S.Res.251, a resolution designating October 27, 2003, as "International Religious Freedom Day" S.Res.252, a resolution designating February 2004 as "National Cancer Prevention Month" H.J.Res.52, a joint resolution recognizing the Dr. Samuel Harris National Museum of Dentistry as the official...
  • S.Con.Res.21, a concurrent resolution regarding individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities (with Bunning technical amendment)
  • S.Res.247, a resolution condemning the anti-Semitic remarks of the outgoing Prime Minister of Malaysia H.R.1516, a bill to provide for the establishment by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs five additional cemeteries in the National Cemetery System H.R.1900, a bill to award a Congressional gold...
  • S.Res.245, a resolution designating October 19-23, 2003 as "Character Counts Week" S.618, a bill to provide for the use and distribution of funds awarded to the Western Shoshone Tribe
  • Conference Report accompanying H.R.1474, Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act S.Res.243, a resolution to designate the week of October 19, 2003 as "National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week" H.R.3229, Public Printer authority preparing indexes of Congressional Record staff
  • S.J.Res.18, a joint resolution commending the Inspectors General for their efforts to prevent and detect waste, fraud and abuse
  • H.Con.Res.282, a concurrent resolution honoring the life of Johnny Cash S.Con.Res.66, a concurrent resolution commending the National Endowment of Democracy on its 20th Anniversary S.Res.230, a resolution calling on the People's Republic of China to release Rebiya Kadeer S.Res.231, a resolution...
  • S.Con.Res.71, Adjournment Resolution S.Res.238, a resolution relating to the use of official equipment
  • H.R.2826, designating the Roberto Clemente Walker Post Office Building in Carolina, Puerto Rico
  • S.Res.199, a resolution to commend John E. Dolibois for dedication to his country H.R.1925, to reauthorize programs under the Runaway & Homeless Youth Act S.1680, Defense Production Act Reauthorization (with Shelby-Sarbanes substitute amendment) H.R.3146, 6-month extension of TANF (with...
  • S.1375, the Small Business Administration Reauthorization Act (with Snowe-Kerry technical amendment) S.Res.235, a resolution honoring the life of Herb Brooks S.Res.219, a resolution to establish a market-based valuation of the yuan (with Graham(SC) technical amendment) H.R.3087, Surface...
  • H.J.Res.69, (30-day CR) making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004 S.1591, designating the Edward O'Grady, Waverly Brown, Peter Paige Post Office Building in Nyack, NY S.1301, a bill to prohibit video voyeurism S.1244, a bill to authorize appropriations for the Federal Maritime...