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The Floor

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  • S.Res.224, expressing the sense of the Senate on the Second Anniversary of the Terrorist Attacks Against the United States on September 11, 2001 H.R.978, To amend chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that certain Federal annuity computations are adjusted by 1 percentage point...
  • H.R.1668, a bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 101 North Fifth Street in Muskogee, Oklahoma, as the "Ed Edmondson United States Courthouse"
  • S.Res.212, a resolution welcoming His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and recognizing his commitment to non-violence, human rights, freedom, and democracy
  • S.Res.210, a resolution to designate October 2003 as "National Work and Family Month" S.Con.Res.64, a concurrent resolution to commend members of the U.S. Armed Forces for their services in Iraq S.Con.Res.65, a concurrent resolution to commend the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) of the U.S. Army...
  • S.Con.Res.63, regarding the unveiling of the bust of Dan Quayle S.Res.218, recognizing the service of Mike McGhee, Keeper of the Stationary H.R.659, Hospital Mortgage Insurance Act (with Shelby substitute amendment) S.1571, a bill to increase FHA mortgage commitment level.
  • H.R.13, (after discharging HELP Committee), the Library & Museum Service bill (with Gregg substitute amendment -- S.888, the Senate bill, as amended, is the text of the amendment)
  • H.R.2859, Supplemental Appropriations S.Res.211, a resolution relating to trade agreement S.Res.215, Legal Counsel representation S.Res.214, a resolution regarding Lance Armstrong S.Res.213, a resolution designating August 2003 as "National Missing Adult Awareness Month" S.Res.30, a resolution...
  • S. Res.206: honoring the momory of Bill Bright S.523: a bill to make technical correction to laws relating to Native Americans S.929: a bill to make grants for security improvements to over-the-road bus operations S.926: a bill to increase the annual aggregate limits on student loan repayments by...
  • S. Res.184: a resolution relating to the release of Dr. Yang Jianli H. Con. Res.209: a concurrent resolution relating to the US-Adriatric Charter S.687: a bill relating to postmaster and postmasters organizations
  • S.481: regarding certain federal annuity computations S. Res.203: relative to the death of former Senator Hartke
  • S. Con. Res.62: a concurrent resolution honoring the service of Korean War Veterans S. Res.124: designating September 28, 2003 as "National Good Neighbor Day" S. Res.167: recognizing the 100th anniversary of the founding of Harley Davidson Motor Company S. Res.40: designating August 7, 2003 as...
  • S.143, to authorize the integration and consolidation of alcohol and substance abuse programs and services by Indian Tribal governments S.650, regarding research into drugs used in pediatric patients w/ Gregg amendment
  • S.1435, regarding prison rape
  • S.314, a bill to make improvements in the Foundation for N.I.H. S.470, a bill to extend the authority for the construction of a memorial to Martin Luther King, Jr. S.490, A bill to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain land in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Nevada, to the...
  • S.555, a bill to establish the Native American Health & Wellness Foundation S.558, a bill to elevate the position of Director of Indian Health Service S.570, a bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 with respect to the qualifications of foreign schools S.Res.197, Legal Counsel...
  • H.R.1474, Check Truncation, go to conference and appoint conferees (Shelby, Bennett, Allard, Sarbanes and Johnson) S.764, Extend authorization of the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program S.Res.140, a resolution designating "National Health Center Week"
  • S.1233, a bill to authorize assistance for the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum and Justice Learning Center S.1280, a bill to amend the PROTECT Act to clarify certain volunteer liability
  • S.886, NOAA Commissioned Corps Appointments
  • H.R.2350, TANF Extension H.R.2474, an act to authorize the Congressional Hunger Center to award Bill Emerson & Mickey Leland Hunger Fellowships for fiscal years 2003 and 2004 S.Res.191, a resolution regarding the death of former Senator Strom Thurmond S.Res.189, a resolution appointing Dr. Barry...
  • S.312, S-CHIP Extension (with Managers' Amendment) H.R.1474, Check Clearing for the 21st Century (amended with text of S.1334) S.Res.186, honoring August Herbert for his service to Alaska S.Res.187, a resolution regarding the Rhodes scholarship S.Res.188, honoring Maynard Jackson, Jr., former Mayor...