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The Floor

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  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on Daniel Coats to be Director of National Intelligence; invoked: 88-11. Confirmation of Daniel Coats to be Director of National Intelligence; confirmed: 85-12. Confirmation of Herbert McMaster to be Lieutenant General; confirmed: 86-10. Legislative...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.42 (UI drug testing); passed: 51-48. No Legislative Business No Executive Business
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Seema Verma to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; No Legislative Business No Executive Business
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.57 (ESSA accountability); passed: 50-49. Motion to invoke cloture on Seema Verma (CMS); invoked: 54-44. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.86, recognizing the contributions of AmeriCorps members and alumni to the lives of the people of the United States. No...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.58; passed: 59-40. Legislative Business Passed S.496, to repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration entitled "Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform". Passed S.J.Res.1,...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.44; passed: 51-48. Legislative Business Adopted by voice vote S.Res.68, raising awareness of modern slavery. Adopted S.Res.82, congratulating the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Laboratory. No...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.37; passed: 49-48. No Legislative Business No Executive Business
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Ben Carson to be Secretary, HUD; confirmed: 58-41. Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Rick Perry to be Secretary of Energy; invoked: 62-37. Confirmation of Rick Perry to be Secretary of Energy; confirmed: 62-37. Motion to proceed to H.J.Res.37; agreed to:...
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Ryan Zinke to be Secretary, DOI; confirmed: 68-31. Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Ben Carson to be Secretary, HUD; invoked: 62-37. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.74, congratulating the State of Nebraska on the 150th anniversary of the admission of...
  • No Roll Call Votes Legislative Business Adopted Calendar #8, S.Res.62, authorizing expenditures by committees of the Senate for periods March 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017, October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018, and October 1, 2018 through February 28, 2019. Adopted S.Res.35, expressing...
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce; confirmed: 72-27. Motion to invoke cloture on Ryan Zinke to be Secretary of Interior; invoked: 67-31-1. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.69, celebrating Black History Month. No Executive Business
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Mick Mulvaney to be Director of OMB; confirmed: 51-49. Motion to invoke cloture on Scott Pruitt to be Administrator of EPA; invoked: 54-46. Motion to extend debate on the Pruitt nomination; not agreed to 47-51. Confirmation of Scott Pruitt to be Administrator of EPA;...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.40 (NICS - CRA); passed: 57-43. Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Mick Mulvaney to be Director, OMB; invoked: 52-48. No Legislative Business   No Executive Business
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Linda McMahon to be Administrator, Small Business Administration; confirmed: 81-19. Legislative Business Passed Calendar #5, H.R.255, to authorize the National Science Foundation to support entrepreneurial programs for women. Passed by voice vote Calendar #6,...
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Steven Mnuchin to be Secretary of the Treasury; confirmed: 53-47. Confirmation of David Shulkin to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs; confirmed: 100-0. No Legislative Business   No Executive Business
  • No Roll Call Votes Legislative Business Discharged Commerce of H.R.590 and referred to EPW. Adopted S.Res.44, designating February 6 through 10, 2017, as "National School Counseling Week". Adopted S.Res.45, designating February 2017 as "American Heart Month" and February 3, 2017, as "National Wear...
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Thomas Price to be Secretary of Health and Human Services; confirmed: 52-47. Motion to invoke cloture on Steven Mnuchin to be Secretary of the Treasury; invoked: 53-46. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.57, Majority Committee Membership (adding Senator...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to request the presence of absent senators; agreed to: 91-4. Confirmation of Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education; confirmed: 51-50, with the vice president having voted in the affirmative. Motion to invoke cloture on Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General; invoked:...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.41, SEC Resource Extraction Resolution of Disapproval; adopted: 52-47. Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education; invoked: 52-48. Legislative Business Passed S.305: to amend title 4, United States Code, to encourage...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.J.Res.38 (Stream Protection Rule Resolution of Disapproval); agreed to: 54-45. Motion to proceed to Executive Session to consider Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General; agreed to: 53-45. Motion to proceed to Legislative Session; agreed to: 51-47. Motion to proceed to...