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The Floor

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  • Adopted S.Res.404, Sudan Adopted S.Res.414, Haiti Adopted S.Res.422, Ukraine Adopted S.Res.426, School Social Work Week Adopted S.Res.434, Children's Dental Health Month Adopted S.Res.435, Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week Adopted S.Res.436, Madeira Island Adopted S.Res.437, Iraqi parliamentary...
  • Confirmed the following Executive Items: #603, Laura Kennedy, Ambassador, Conference on Disarmament #604, Eileen Donahoe, Ambassador, UN Human Rights #610, Paul Verkuil, Chairman, Administrative Conference of US #625, Elizabeth Harman, Assistant Administrator, FEMA #629, Julia Brill, FTC...
  • Adopted S.Res.429, making Minority party appointments for certain committees for the 111th Congress.
  • H.R.3961, with an amendment (1 year extension of the Patriot Act) S. Res.421, supporting the goals & ideals of "National Guard Youth Challenge Day"
  • Passed s. 30, Truth in Caller ID Act with a Rockefeller amendment. Adopted H.Con.Res.158, a concurrent resolution expressing support for the disignation of an Early Detection Month for breast cancer and all forms of cancer. Adopted S.Res.393, a resolution recognizing teh contributions of the...
  • H.R.4532, Social Security Disability Applicants Access to Professional Representation Act Cal. #213, S. Res.345, deploring the rape and assault of women in Guinea and the killing of political protesters (with Boxer amendments to the resolution, preamble and title)
  • Adopted S.Res.415, a resolution calling for a renewed focus on the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran's violations of internationally-recognized human rights as found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Adopted H.Con.Res.235, Adjournment Resolution. The Senate confirmed the...
  • Passed S.2917, Small Business Penalty Fairness Act of 2009. Adopted S.Res.413, a resolution relating to the death of Representative John P. Murtha. The Senate confirmed the following nominations by unanimous consent:
  • Adopted S.Res.405 a resolution reaffirming the centrality of freedom of expression and press freedom as cornerstones of U.S. foreign policy and U.S. efforts to promote individual rights. Adopted S.Res.406, a resolution recognizing the goals of Catholic Schools Week. Confirmed the following...
  • Adopted S.Res.394, a resolution congratulating the Northwestern University School of Madison for its 150 years of commitment to advancing science and improving health.
  • Adopted S.Res.402, a resolution expressing support for the designation of January 28, 2010 as National Data Privacy Day.
  • Passed by voice vote S.2799, Iran Sanctions. Passed S.2968, Trademark TEchnical and Conforming Amendment Act Passed H.R.4508, an Act to provide for an additional extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act (extends to April 30, 2010)
  • Adopted S.Res.397, a resolution relative to the death of Charles McCurdy ("Mac") Mathias, Jr. former United States Senator for the State of Maryland. Adopted S.Res.398, a resolution to authorize representation by Senate Legal Counsel. Adopted S.Res.399, a resolution honoring the heroic actions of...
  • S.2949, Emergency Aid to American Survivors of the Haiti Earthquake Act S.2950, a bill to extend the pilot program for the volunteer groups to obtain criminal history background checks S.Res.393, designating the month of February 2010 as "National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention...
  • S.Res.381, a resolution designating teh week of February 1 through February 5, 2010 as "National School counseling Week".
  • Passed H.R.4462, an Act to accelerate the income tax benefit for charitable cash contributions for the relief of victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Passed S.J.Res. 25, a joint resolution granting consent and approval of Congress to amendments to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Compact...
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.228, providing for a joint session of Congress, on Wednesday, Jauary 27, 2010, to receive a message from the President of the United States.
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.223, Adjournment Resolution Confirmed the following Exec Cal items: #264, #280, #303, #315, #429, #478, #489, #490, #582, #583, #584, #585, #586-587, #593, #594, #595, #596, #597, #598, #599, #600, #601, #611, #612, #613, #621, #624, #626, #632, #633, #634, #635, #636, #637, #638,...
  • Passed H.R.730, Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act. Passed H.R.3819, an act to extend the commercial space transportation liability regime. Discharged EPW from further consideration of Timothy McGee to be an Assistance Secretary of Commerce, and referred to Commerce Committee.
  • Passed HR4284, Andean Trade Adopted H.Con.Res.206, Fort Gordon Adopted S.Res.386, condemning the Government of Iran for restricting and suppressing freedom of teh press, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly, and for its human rights abuses, and for other purposes