Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Scott Gottlieb to be Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration; confirmed: 57-42.
No Legislative Business
No Executive Business
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Heather Wilson to be Secretary of the Air Force; confirmed: 76-22.
Motion to invoke cloture on Scott Gottlieb to be Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration; invoked: 57-41.
Legislative Business
Passed Calendar #20, S.140 - to amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.244 (Omnibus); Agreed to: 79-18.
Legislative Business
Passed H.R.534 with committee-reported amendment, to require the Secretary of State to take such actions as may be necessary for the United States to rejoin...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to proceed to H.J.Res.66, State IRA resolution of disapproval; agreed to: 51-48.
Passage of H.J.Res.66; passed: 50-49.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.151, congratulating the Northwest Missouri State University Bearcats on their National Collegiate Athletic Association...
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Jay Clayton, of New York, to be Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission; confirmed: 61-37.
Legislative Business
Passed Calendar #29, S.141, a bill to improve understanding and forecasting of space weather events.
Passed Calendar #40, H.R.274: Modernizing...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on Jay Clayton, of New York, to be Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission; invoked: 60-36.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.135, expressing support for the designation of May 1, 2017, as "Silver Star Service Banner Day".
Adopted S.Res.148,...
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of R. Alexander Acosta to be Secretary of Labor; confirmed: 60-38.
Legislative Business
Agreed to S.Con.Res.14, authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitors Center for an event to celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha I.
Agreed to H.Con.Res.35,...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on Alexander Acosta (Labor); invoked: 61-39.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.123, designating May 20, 2017, as "Kids to Parks Day".
No additional Executive Business
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Rod J. Rosenstein to be Deputy Attorney General; confirmed: 94-6.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.105 - Centennial of the 41st Division
Adopted S.Res.122 - 911 Education Month
Adopted S.Res.128 - CDH Awareness Month
Adopted S.Res.129 - Second Chance Month
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Sonny Perdue to be Secretary of Agriculture; confirmed: 87-11-1.
Motion to invoke cloture on Rod J. Rosenstein to be Deputy Attorney General; invoked: 92-6.
No additional Legislative Business
No additional Executive Business
Wrap Up for Friday, April 7, 2017
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court; confirmed: 54-45.
Legislative Business
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business the following bills, en bloc:
861,Federal Employee...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court; not invoked (McConnell changed his vote to 'no' in order to reconsider): 55-45.
McConnell motion to reconsider the vote by which cloture was not invoked on the Gorsuch...
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.117, designating the week of April 15, 2017, through April 23, 2017, as "National Park Week".
Adopted S.Res.118, condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus...
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Elaine Duke, Deputy Secretary of DHS; confirmed: 85-14.
Motion to proceed to Executive Session to consider the nomination of Neil M. Gorsuch, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court; agreed to: 55-44.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.94, designating March...
Roll Call Votes
Passage of S.89, Delta Queen; passed 85-12
Legislative Business
Passed by voice vote S.544, Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014
No Executive Business
Roll Call Votes
Passage of H.J.Res.67; passed: 50-49.
Motion to proceed to H.J.Res.43; agreed to: 51-50, with VP voting in the affirmative
Passage of H.J.Res.43; passed: 51-50, with VP voting in the affirmative
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.107, congratulating the rifle team of West Virginia...
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.98, designating the first week of April 2017, as "National Asbestos Awareness Week".
Adopted S.Res.103, designating March 29, 2017, as "Vietnam Veterans Day"
Passed H.R.353 with Cantwell amendment and Thune substitute amendment, to improve the...
Roll Call Votes
Ratification of Executive Calendar #1, Treaty 114-12, Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of Montenegro; agreed to: 97-2.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.95, designating March 22, 2017, as "National Rehabilitation Counselors Appreciation Day".
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #1, Treaty 114-12, Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of Montenegro; invoked: 97-2.
Legislative Business
Passed S.J. Res.30, providing for the reappointment of Steve Case as a citizen regent of the Board of...