Legislative Business:
Adopted S. Res. 200, A resolution wishing His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, a happy 80th birthday
Adopted S. Res. 218, congratulating the United States Women's National Team for winning the 2015 FIFA World Cup.
Passed Cal. 128- H.R. 728- To designate the facility of the...
Legislative Business:
Passed by unanimous consent S.286, Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2015.
Executive Business:
Confirmed Executive Calendar #81, the nomination of Kara Farnandez Stoll, of Virginia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit; 95-0
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Passed H.R.893, to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the centennial of Boys Town, and for other purposes.
Passed Calendar #78, S.230, a bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health...
Roll Call Votes
Adoption of the motion to concur with respect to H.R.2146 (TPA); agreed to: 60-38.
Cloture on motion to concur with respect to H.R.1295 (AGOA/Preferences) with an amendment (TAA); invoked: 76-22.
Legislative Business
Agreed to the following motions by voice vote:
Adoption of the...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, Trade Promotion Authority; Invoked: 60-37.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.209, Ulysses S. Grant.
Adopted S.Res.210, Wyoming 125th Anniversary.
Completed the Rule 14...
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Executive Calendar #156, Peter V. Neffenger, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security; Confirmed: 81-1.
Legislative Business
Passed H.R.91, Veterans I.D. Card Act, with Blumenthal substitute amendment.
Began the Rule 14 process to place on the...
Roll Call Votes
Passage of H.R.1735, NDAA, as amended; passed: 71-25.
Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to R.2685, Department of Defense Appropriations; not invoked: 50-45.
Legislative Business
Passed Calendar #98, S.808: Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.1735, NDAA, as amended; invoked: 84-14.
Legislative Business
The Senate agreed to the following pending amendments by voice vote:
Hatch-Inhofe-Mikulski SA #1911, as further modified;
McCain SA #1456; and
McCain substitute amendment #1463, as...
Roll Call Votes
McCain-Feinstein amendment #1889; agreed to: 78-21.
Ernst-Boxer amendment #1549 (arming the Kurds)[60-vote threshold]; not agreed to: 54-45.
Gillibrand amendment #1578 (sexual assault in the military)[60-vote threshold]; not agreed to: 50-49.
Motion to invoke cloture on McCain...
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Executive Calendar #131, Matthew McGuire, to be US Executive Director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; confirmed: 62-24.
Legislative Business
Passed S.565, Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act.
Adopted S.Res.201, Juneteenth...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on Burr amendment #1569, as modified (cyber security and background checks); not invoked: 56-40.
Legislative Business
Passed S.1568, Colorado VA
Passed H.R.615, Department of Homeland Security Interoperable Communications Act
Agreed to H.Con.Res.54, Pocket...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to table the Kirk-Ayotte amendment #1986 (Ex-Im); not agreed to: 31-65.
Legislative Business
Passed Calendar #100, S.253, Federal Communications Commission Consolidated Reporting Act of 2015.
Adopted S.Res.198, Second Founding.
Executive Business
Confirmed the following...
Roll Call Votes
Reed amendment #1521 (OCO funding levels); not agreed to: 46-51.
Legislative Business
Agreed to the following amendments by unanimous consent:
Hoeven SA #1485 (nuclear force improvement)
Heller SA #1510 (electronic health records)
Rounds SA #1520 (cyber attacks)
Wicker SA #1538 (US...
Roll Call Votes
Portman SA #1522 (Stryker Lethality Upgrades); agreed to: 61-34.
Shaheen SA #1494 (spousal definition for VA benefits); not agreed to: 53-42.
Tillis SA #1506 (C-130 H aircraft); agreed to: 48-44.
Legislative Business
Agreed to the following amendments by voice vote:
Bennet SA...
Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Agreed to H.Con.Res.48, authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.
Adopted S.Res.87, a resolution to express the sense of the Senate regarding the rise of...
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.2048, USA Freedom Act; invoked: 83-14.
McConnell second degree SA #1451 (amicus); not agreed to: 42-56.
McConnell first degree to the substitute SA #1450 (12 month transition); not agreed to: 44-54.
McConnell SA #1449 (substitute); not agreed to:...
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Passed S.184, Native American Children's Safety Act.
Passed S.246, AIyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children Act (with committee substitute).
No Executive Business
Roll Call Votes
Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the consideration of H.R.2048, USA Freedom Act, upon reconsideration; invoked: 77-17.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.188, Craft Beer Week
Executive Business
Confirmed the following nominations by unanimous consent:
Roll Call Votes
Hatch-Wyden #1411to #1299, as modified (currency); Agreed to 70-29
Portman-Stabenow SA #1299(currency manipulation); Not agreed to 48-51
Warren SA #1327(investor state dispute); Not agreed to 39-60
Brown SA #1251(docking); Not agreed to 47-52
Flake SA #1243(strike TAA); Not agreed...