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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Urgent Need To Provide National Security Aid

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the urgent need to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel, the South Pacific, and humanitarian assistance. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

On another important matter, we are still waiting to see how Speaker Johnson and House Republicans will proceed on the national security supplemental package.

One way or another, I hope – I fervently hope – that we can finally finish the job in the next couple of days, but that is not certain and will depend a lot on what the House does.

The entire world is waiting to see what House Republicans will do about aid to Ukraine, aid to Israel, humanitarian assistance, and aid to the Indo-Pacific.

Putin is watching very closely to see if America will step up and show strength, or slink away from a friend in need.

And if anyone who thinks the war in Ukraine is just a regional conflict in Eastern Europe, the Chinese Community Party would beg to differ. If President Xi sees America waffle in helping Ukraine, he may conclude that we will similarly get cold feet in the Indo-Pacific.

Congress must finish work on the supplemental once and for all. The time for waiting and delay has long been over. I urge House Republicans to continue working in a bipartisan spirit to get this aid passed. The security of America, of our friends abroad, and of Western democracy itself demands that we act.
