Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor after President Trump made dangerous comments about the war between Russia and Ukraine, refusing to stand with our ally and blaming Ukraine for the invasion started by Vladimir Putin. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:
In a Fox News interview released last night, President Trump spoke about the war in Ukraine and some of his comments sounded straight from a Russian propaganda playbook.
Rather than speak the truth, rather than acknowledge Vladimir Putin’s role in starting this war, President Trump, amazingly, blamed Ukraine for Putin’s invasion.
To quote the president: “You should have never started it,” he said. He was saying that to President Zelenskyy.
This is disgusting, after how this man has fought so hard and so valiantly. And it deliberately distorts the truth.
It's just awful to see an American president turn against one of our friends and openly side with a thug like Vladimir Putin.
It is shameful to hear the president repeat Putin’s propaganda while laying the groundwork for negotiations that favor Russia at Ukraine’s expense.
The people of Ukraine did not start this war, Vladimir Putin did.
Ukrainians have fought and died on the battlefield to defend their home.
The suffering and destruction the Ukrainian country and the Ukrainian people have endured is staggering, all because of Vladimir Putin.
And let's not forget, America: maybe there are some who say enough already. But if we give into Putin now, America will inevitably pay the price later. That's what history has shown. When you give in to thugs, when you give in to dictators, you pay the price. Hasn't Donald Trump and his allies learned the lessons of history?
This is not just about the security of another nation – this struggle is in every way about the ultimate security of the American people.
Make no mistake, right now the Kremlin is overjoyed by what Donald Trump is saying and what he’s doing.
Every single Republican must be put on the record for President Trump’s dangerous and false statements about the war in Ukraine. We have an obligation in the Senate to take a stand for the truth and to take a stand against autocrats, and we will do it shortly.
The American people deserve to know: will Republicans take a stand for democracy and freedom around the world, or will they cater to Putin and Russia, like President Trump is doing with ultimately bad consequences for all of us?