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Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Donald Trump’s Erratic Decisions Hurting The Economy

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on Donald Trump’s erratic statements and lack of concrete decisions hurting the economy and the American people. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Donald Trump's erratic decisions – “yes, no, maybe, this country, that country” – is creating havoc in the economy. And we're starting to see dark clouds hanging over our economy because of Donald Trump and his whole team's erratic performance when it comes to the economy.

Listen to this: for the first time, CNN’s polling shows that a clear majority – 56% – of people disapprove of Donald Trump’s handling of the economy. Some pundits say he won the election because of his performance on the economy. If now 56% of the people disapprove, he's not in very good electoral shape, now or in the future.

This week, forecasters say that thanks to Donald Trump’s chaos and tariffs, the odds of a dreaded recession have started to crawl up. One J.P. Morgan report puts it, alarmingly, at 40%. There was little chance of recession the day he took office, now it's up to 40% according to J.P. Morgan.

Household debt is also growing: the average household credit-card debt surpassed $10,000 for the first time since 2009.

People are starting to fall behind on their car payments at the highest rate in decades.

Donald Trump promised an economic boom during the campaign.

But two months into his presidency, Donald Trump is already backtracking and telling Americans they should be okay with “pain” and “disturbance” with the economy.

Donald Trump tells Americans, you're okay, you should be okay with pain and disturbance with the economy. That’s pretty rich coming from a billionaire who said he would bring costs down on day one and who doesn't have to suffer when prices go up, wages stay flat or people are being fired and not having any income.

Donald Trump knows his policies could wreck the economy, but he’s doing it anyway. Why? It’s the same thing with Social Security.

Why are they doing all these crazy things that Americans don't like? One reason, and one reason alone: tax breaks for billionaires, the north star of the Republican party's goals.
