Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor to condemn efforts from Republicans to pass a highly partisan reconciliation bill that gives tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy while gutting essential government programs and hurting the American people. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:
When the Budget Committee meets in a couple of days, there's a great debate between House and Senate Republicans – should it be one bill or two bills?
Let me tell you, the real issue is this: what are Republicans going to cut that hurts working Americans to give greater tax cuts to the billionaires?
Defunding the National Institute of Health?
Cutting that back, when health researchers are telling us that it will impede cancer research and the great research we've done that has helped the American people live healthier and longer?
Defunding things like CHCs, which I just mentioned? So much else.
All for one reason. I would say to my fellow Americans, don't get caught up in this gobbledygook about one bill or two bills.
We all know the goal is the same: cut, cut, cut, even vital programs that help working Americans to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
And that's what we'll see in this first step, when the Budget Committee marks up its bill supposedly on Wednesday.
One bill, two bills? No. It could be 50 bills – I don't care.
It all comes down to the same thing: the end goal for Republicans is to pass gargantuan tax cuts for Donald Trump and their billionaire friends.
Cut the daylights out of everything else – Medicaid, Medicare, school lunches, prescription drug reform, medical research – for these tax cuts. The American people are going to learn this as we move forward, and I don't think they're going to like it.