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Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Slamming Republicans’ Budget Plan To Cut Taxes For Billionaires At The Cost Of Working Americans And Their Families

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor following the “Vote-a-rama,” slamming Congressional Republicans for their plan to cut taxes for the ultra-wealthy while gutting support for American families. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

Tonight, one amendment at a time, Democrats exposed Republicans’ true colors here on the Senate floor.

For the first time this year, Senate Republicans were forced to go on record and defend their plans to cut taxes for Donald Trump’s billionaire friends.

What happened tonight was only the beginning. This debate is going to go on for weeks and maybe months.

Democrats will be ready to come back and do this over and over again, because Americans deserve to know the truth.

And what is the truth?

Under Donald Trump’s Republican Party, billionaires win, and American families lose.

Billionaires win, and American families lose.

That’s it. That is the Republican agenda.

Tonight, we gave Republicans one chance after another to do the right thing and put the needs of American families first.

We voted on amendments to prevent any tax cuts for billionaires paid for with cuts to Medicaid.

Republicans said no.

We voted on an amendment to protect maternal and children’s health care from draconian cuts.

Republicans said no.

We voted on an amendment to make it easier for Americans to rent or own a home.

Republicans said no.

Again and again and again, Republicans sent a clear and consistent message from the Senate floor: under their agenda, billionaires win, and American families lose.

If Republicans continue with this reckless plan to help their billionaire buddies at the expense of American families, Democrats will make sure the American people know the truth at every opportunity. 
