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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Ahead Of The Unveiling Ceremony For The Official Portrait Of Speaker Pelosi

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the unveiling of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s official portrait and celebrating her incredible legacy. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Later this afternoon, I will have the honor – the bittersweet honor – of joining with Congressional leaders past and present to unveil the official portrait of my dear friend and a great leader, Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Every year, millions come to the Capitol to learn about our democracy and to put a face on the names of history. They walk these halls and see the portraits of speakers from ages past. Sam Rayburn. Tip O’Neil. And so many others.

But after today, the faces of those male leaders will forever be joined by Madam Speaker. So today is a happy day to celebrate an amazing public servant who had an amazing career. But it’s also a chance to say thank you to a dear friend and a beloved colleague.

Leader to leader, I will always admire Speaker Pelosi for the quality, for an important quality that has set her apart: she always keeps her caucus united behind a common goal. She keeps repeating, over and over again, has for 20 years, “Our unity is our strength.” That's what she always has said.

I have and will continue to repeat the same to my caucus.
