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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Honoring The Life Of Liz Moynihan

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the passing of Liz Moynihan. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

This week, New York lost one of its towering figures, one of its brightest minds, one of its most radiant spirits – Liz Moynihan, who passed away Tuesday evening.

I had the immense joy of knowing Liz for many, many wonderful years, the partner to my old mentor Senator Moynihan here in the Senate. Senator Moynihan may have been the one in the spotlight, but everyone knew there would be no Daniel without a Liz, who was not just a lifelong partner, but also his top advisor, his best advocate, and arguably his best political strategist.

To borrow a phrase attributed to another powerful New York woman: “Behind every great man is a greater woman.” And that was certainly true for Liz.

Liz Moynihan was someone who always preferred to operate outside the limelight, but was able to command the attention of presidents, senators, ambassadors, mayors, and even archeologists, having discovered the gardens of the Mughal Emperor Babur while living in India.

In short, Liz Moynihan was a virtuoso in so many ways. She never held office herself, yet she made the careers of so many – most of all her husband’s – possible.

May she rest in peace, after a wonderful, full, and rich life dedicated to making this country better. My condolences to my dear friend Maura and all of the Moynihan family, and everyone whose lives she touched over the years.
