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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Continuing Work On The Bipartisan National Security Supplemental

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the urgent need for bipartisanship to pass the national security supplemental. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

The latest round of Ukrainian security assistance was a $250 million package that included 155mm rounds, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, and other critical weapons that have been crucial for Ukraine on the battlefield.

That announcement was made on December 27th – that’s 28 days ago, four weeks.

Since then, no more aid – no more aid – has been sent to Ukraine, and there won’t be more unless Congress acts. In the meantime, it’s been reported that Russia is beginning to restock its own supplies with help from North Korea, including North Korean missiles.

Right now, Senate negotiators on both sides are working furiously to approve another round of Ukraine aid by finalizing our national security supplemental package.

This package would not only deliver a lifeline for Ukraine, it would secure our border, send aid to Israel, provide humanitarian assistance for innocent civilians in Gaza, and shore up security in the Indo-Pacific. Our supplemental is a prescription for addressing America’s top security threats around the globe.

Now, it’s been a busy and productive week for the negotiators – they have continued working nonstop on issues that are still outstanding.

Each day we get a little closer, but there are still issues to be resolved. But one thing is certain: we are going to keep going to get this done.

I’ve remained in touch with my Senate colleagues, with Leader McConnell, and the White House every step of the way.

The goal, of course, is to come up with a proposal that can get at least sixty votes in the Senate. That means both sides must accept that they won’t get everything they want. It means that maximalist demands, stonewall tactics, and attempts to sabotage negotiations before they even finish must be shunned by the membership of this body. There’s too much at stake to play those games.

There are some on the fringes who, unfortunately, are trying to do precisely that – to sink this supplemental package from afar. But in the Senate, both sides have an obligation to ensure those voices stay in the minority. Many of the voices who are making suggestions that they don't like are not voting for this anyway.

It’s not going to be easy to get over the finish line, but Senate Democrats are going to stay the course until the job is done. President Biden, on numerous occasions, has stated he’s willing to work with Republicans in a big way on immigration. And for over two months, Democrats have shown we are serious about reaching an agreement by remaining at the negotiating table.

So, we’ll keep going because senators don’t need to be reminded of the consequences should we fail. Like I said, the last round of Ukrainian aid happened on December 27th. If we don’t act, Ukraine will fall, and make the world a much more dangerous place for America and every day Americans will feel the impact – feel the impact not years, but months away.

Since the start of the war, Putin has bet that, sooner or later, the U.S. would throw in the towel. They doubt Western resolve. They doubt American strength.

Just last month, Putin speculated on Russian television that “the free stuff is going to run out some day, and it seems it already is.” That's what Putin is saying. He's gloating that we're not giving Ukraine the aid it needs. His allies are certainly helping him.

The Senate has an obligation to make sure Putin regrets the day he questions America’s resolve. And that is putting the focus on what we are doing in this chamber.

We have an obligation to answer the call to defend democracy in its hour of need. We have an obligation to help our friends fighting for their survival.

We must – must – finish the work on the supplemental. We are not there yet, but we will continue working.
