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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On His 25th Annual Tour Of All Of New York’s 62 Counties

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding Senator Schumer’s 25th annual 62 county tour in New York. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

One of the things I’m best known for in New York is my commitment to visit all 62 counties every year.

This year, we celebrated our silver anniversary, the 25th year of visiting every one of the 62 counties. I love it every bit as much today as I did in my first year.

We finished our tour yesterday morning at Columbia Memorial Hospital in Columbia County.

When I visit the counties, I learn so much, I talk to people, I listen to their needs.

When you're up close with people, you see their hopes and their joys, as well as their fears, their desires, so many different things. When you sit up close with someone and talk to them and learn from them, it makes a huge bit of difference.

You can’t do your job as senator unless you are actually in touch with people, not simply talking on the telephone or reading something. And so I do it and I love it.

And I commit to the people of New York that I will visit every one of the 62 counties next year, each at least for the 26th time.
