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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On President Biden’s Executive Action On The Border And Republicans Repeatedly Blocking Strong Bipartisan Border Security Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on President Biden’s expected announcement of an executive action on the border and reiterated that Senate Republicans have repeatedly blocked serious bipartisan border security legislation. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Later today, President Biden is expected to issue an executive order addressing the problems happening at our southern border.

As the President makes his announcement, let’s be very clear about one thing: legislation would have been the more effective way to go. President Biden has been clear from the beginning he prefers legislation, but given how obstinate Republicans have become – turning down any real opportunity for strong border legislation – the President is left with little choice but to act on his own.

Republican intransigence has forced the President’s hand. For years, Republicans insisted again and again and again that the border was in crisis, but when they had the opportunity to correct it, they killed the strongest bipartisan border bill Congress has seen in decades. Why did they kill it? At the behest of Donald Trump, who said he wanted chaos at the border until after the election.

Shame on our Republican friends. They say they want to protect the border. Donald Trump comes out with a very crass statement, let's keep it in chaos so I might win the election. And they go along. They do a 180-degree turn. That's a disgrace, and it's forced President Biden to act the way he does, which is a lot better than doing nothing, but not as preferable as passing legislation, as the President admits.

We had an opportunity to pass a strong bipartisan border bill back in February, and just over a few weeks ago.

Both times, Republicans put politics ahead of bipartisanship, and blundered the best chance we have seen in decades to pass a border security bill America urgently needs. Americans will not easily forget it.
