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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Protecting Social Security And Medicare

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor to emphasize the importance of protecting Social Security and Medicare. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Yesterday, a new report showed the strengths of Social Security and Medicare have improved because of the economic upswing we are seeing under President Biden. The New York Times headline said “Strong Labor Market Steadied Social Security and Medicare Funds.”

But yesterday’s report came with a warning: Social Security and Medicare still face long-term challenges to solvency. The lives of tens of millions could be thrown into chaos if these programs are not protected.

So let’s not forget that year after year Republicans have made clear where they stand. Instead of working with Democrats to strengthen Social Security and Medicare, they want to put them on the chopping block.

A little over a month ago, Donald Trump said on the campaign trail that there is “a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting.”

Around the same time, the Republican Study Committee – which represents 80% of all House Republicans – called for $1.5 trillion – $1.5 trillion! – in cuts to Social Security and raising the retirement age to 67.

Donald Trump didn’t hesitate to give tax cuts to the ultra-rich and large corporations, but he thinks there is “a lot you can do” to cut programs that millions of families rely on every single day. That’s beyond callous. It’s wrong, and hurts people, a lot.

The difference between Democrats and hard-right Republicans couldn’t be more stark, and this year we will make sure the American people know it.
