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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Republicans’ Anti-Abortion Rights Records

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding Republicans’ role in overturning Roe and their responsibility for abortion bans across the country. Leader Schumer stressed that Republicans who forced the overturn of Roe are responsible for these extreme bans.  Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks which can also be viewed here:

After spending decades pushing for a national abortion ban, packing our courts with right-wing extreme judges, and annihilating Roe v. Wade, hard-right Republicans have created a race to the bottom when it comes to reproductive rights.

This week, Florida outlawed abortion after just six weeks, before many women even know they’re pregnant.

The Arizona Supreme Court recently upheld a Civil-War era law – from 1864 – banning abortion almost entirely, without exception for rape or incest.

And 19 other states across America now have near-total bans or severe restrictions on abortions, beyond the standard set by Roe.

Let’s not forget how we got here, because the extreme abortion bans in Florida and Arizona didn’t happen in a vacuum. They are the result of MAGA Republicans’ decades-long campaign to annihilate Roe and plunge our country into chaos.

Remember: Donald Trump boasted he was “proudly the person responsible,” those are his words, for the disastrous decision to end Roe.

The extreme abortion bans are also a direct consequence of the Senate Republican agenda to install right-wing, anti-abortion judges at every level of the federal court system, including the hard-right Supreme Court justices who voted to end Roe. Remember: most of these same Republicans are on record supporting a national abortion ban.

The bottom line is that the extreme abortion bans are a direct consequence of Republicans getting into power. That’s precisely what Republicans will do given the chance to govern: they will try to take us back to 1864 with draconian abortion bans and attacks on Americans’ personal freedoms.

And make no mistake: Republicans in Arizona will have to answer for their anti-abortion record in November. Republicans in Florida will have to answer for their anti-abortion record in November. Republicans across America will still have to answer for their anti-abortion record in November.
