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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Senate Approaching The Milestone Of 200 Well-Qualified And Diverse Judicial Nominees Confirmed Under President Biden

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor ahead of the Senate confirmation of Seth Aframe of New Hampshire to serve as a Circuit Court Judge on the First Circuit. Once confirmed, Aframe will be the 198th judge confirmed by the Senate since President Biden took office. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

This week, the Senate will confirm more of President Biden’s outstanding judicial nominees for lifetime appointments to the federal bench, and we will hit a major milestone along the way. Later this afternoon, the Senate will vote on the confirmation of Seth Aframe of New Hampshire to be a Circuit Court Judge on the First Circuit.

Mr. Aframe would make an exceptional addition to the First Circuit and was given a unanimous rating of “well-qualified” by the American Bar Association. A longtime member of the U.S. Attorney’s office in New Hampshire, he has argued approximately 100 cases before the First Circuit on a broad range of criminal and civil cases.

When confirmed, Mr. Aframe will be the 198th judge confirmed since President Biden took office. And as soon as tomorrow, I expect that the Senate will reach the significant milestone of 200 – 200 – judges under Senate Democrats and President Biden. I salute Senator Durbin and the Judiciary Committee for the good work they have done in this regard.

That is a figure, 200, that we can all be proud of and shows how intensely focused we are on filling the bench with jurists who will make our democracy stronger and uphold the rule of law.
