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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Continuing To Protect American Families From Junk Fees

Washington, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on working to protect American families from surprise and junk fees. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Six months into the 118th Congress, the tale of two parties continues.                                                                                               

This week, House Republicans advanced a massive tax package showing precisely where their loyalties lie: helping large multi-billion dollar corporations, Big Oil polluters, those at the very, very top.

Today, the President is reminding the American people where Democrats’ loyalties lie: ordinary families who want to lower costs and who’ve had it with junk fees that nickel and dime people every single day.

President Biden used his State of the Union Address to call out companies that exploit consumers through surprise fees on everything from credit cards, bank overdrafts, hotel resorts, and air travel.

Today, he is holding a roundtable discussion with companies at the White House on the progress they’ve made eliminating surprise fees.

I cannot tell you how many times people have come up to me in New York exasperated by junk fees, often times at the last minute, many times they know nothing about them until they are asked to pay them. It’s precisely the kind of abuse that frustrates Americans to no end, and which the federal government can address.

It’s why in the House I authored legislation to protect Americans from surprise expenses in their credit card bills by requiring credit card companies to clearly break down all fees and interest rates. They call it the Schumer Box, a nickname I’m proud that’s stuck.

And junk fees are everywhere. You want to switch your cell phone company? A termination fee can cost you $250, or something exorbitant like that. Many people think the phone companies ask it so you don’t switch even if you’re dissatisfied with their service.

You want to book a hotel room listed at $300 dollars? Good luck – you’ll get the bill and discover the real price is much higher. More than a third of hotel guests have reported paying some kind of hidden fee.

The kind of abusive behavior from some large companies is exactly what Americans want to focus on. And it’s the major difference between the two parties: Republicans think it’s best to spend time on cutting taxes for the very largest billion dollar corporations, who often don’t pay their fair share, and stoking the fires of the culture wars.

But Democrats want to focus on things ordinary families have to deal with every single day.

We can all relate to the frustration of hidden fees.

We can all relate to driving to work on dilapidated roads, crumbling bridges.

We can all look out the window and see that wildfires, flooding, and extreme weather events are getting worse and harming our communities.

These are the issues Democrats have legislated over the past few years, and we’re going to keep going.
