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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Importance Of The Senate Continuing To Perform Its Constitutional Advice And Consent Responsibilities On Every Nomination

Finally, a few days ago I sent Senator Thune a letter asking that we go through the regular advice and consent process. That meant full FBI investigations of every nominee – the Senate be able to look at those – and hearings with questions in the Senate on every nominee, and then votes on the floor.

I'm glad to see that at least the president-elect's administration is beginning to look at the FBI investigation issue. That's a small step in the right direction.

But we must have them for all nominees. They must be full FBI investigations, and they must be available for senators to look at.

And, of course, the necessity of hearings for each nominee, the necessity of votes on each nominee are just consonant with the advise and consent process that we have done in America for decades under Democratic and Republican presidents alike. I hope there will be no deviation from that grand and useful tradition.