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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Release Of The Bipartisan Appropriations Package And The Urgent Need To Work Together To Avoid A Government Shutdown

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) today spoke on the Senate floor on the release of the text of the appropriations package and the imminent need to work cooperatively to pass it. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Earlier this morning, the legislative text for the final six appropriations bills was released I’m happy to say, clearing another hurdle towards our ultimate goal of funding the federal government.

I thank the appropriators, their staffs, and everyone involved for working themselves to the bone to release these bills, I imagine some folks here in the Capitol are past the point of exhaustion.

This funding agreement between the White House and Congressional Leaders is good news that comes in the nick of time: when passed it will extinguish any more shutdown threats for the rest of the fiscal year, it will avoid the scythe of budget sequestration, and it will keep the government open without cuts or poison pill riders. It is now the job of the House Republican leadership to move this package ASAP.

Just like the funding bills Congress passed two weeks ago, this package avoids draconian Republican cuts on major Democratic wins that help American families, American workers, America’s national defense.

We have secured an increase in childcare services, we boosted disease research and prevention, we funded school mental health programs and suicide prevention. So needed in this modern world in which we live.

We are strengthening the border with new resources for frontline personnel. We are investing in safer, more secure elections. And we Democrats are very proud of both.

The hard-right pushed for cuts that would have impacted K-12 education, services for low-income families. Democrats stopped it.

The hard-right wanted to add terrible poison pill riders to attack freedom of choice. Democrats stopped that too.

Now Congress must now race to pass this package before government funding runs out this Friday. Once the House acts, the Senate will need bipartisan cooperation to pass it before Friday’s deadline and avoid a shutdown.

I want to thank President Biden, Speaker Johnson, Leader Jeffries, Leader McConnell for their leadership. I also thank Chairwoman Murray and Vice Chair Collins and their staffs, as well as my own staff, for their tireless leadership of the Appropriations Committee throughout the entire process. I don't think they got any sleep from about Saturday to today, and I really thank particularly Meghan Taira and Ray O’Mara from my staff who did such a strong job on this.
