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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Release Of The Republican Study Committee’s Dangerous And Disastrous Plan For The American People

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the Republican Study Committee’s release of their budget plan that would cut Social Security, threaten IVF access, gut ACA, and much more. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Yesterday, as President Biden announced tens of thousands of new jobs to take our country forward, House Republicans released a budget plan that would take us backward.  

The Republican Study Committee’s FY25 budget plan reads like a wish list for Donald Trump and the MAGA hard-right—and it sure is a loser for the American people.

Remember: the RSC is hardly a small group: it’s made up of over 170 Republicans – 80% of the House Republicans – including Speaker Johnson and his entire leadership team. The budget plan is the Republican agenda, plain and simple.

By releasing this budget plan, the vast majority of House Republicans are calling for cuts to Social Security and Medicare. You hear that folks in America? The vast majority of House Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare, beware of what they want. They want to threaten IVF access, they want to deny health care to people with pre-existing conditions, they want national abortion bans, and they want to sabotage any hope of lowering prescription drug costs. The list could go on and on.

The Republican Study Committee plan is cruel, it is fringe, way out of line with what most Americans want, but, unfortunately, it is what the House Republicans envision for our country.

It speaks volumes that on the very same day President Biden and Democrats announced tens of thousands of new jobs to increase U.S. microchip production, the Republican Study Committee called for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security. It’s just like former President Donald Trump, who said recently that “There is a lot you can do” regarding cuts to Social Security.

The RSC’s budget also doubles down on Republicans’ efforts to threaten in vitro fertilization access.

Republicans can pretend all they want to sound moderate on women’s choice now that they’ve created so much backlash, but this budget plan makes it clear they’re the same old anti-choice, anti-women party. I have no doubt should they get into power in the House, Senate, and presidency, which I don't think will happen, and hope and pray won’t happen, choice will be clearly at risk.

That’s not all: the RSC’s budget would gut the Affordable Care Act and CHIP, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which means ripping away health coverage from millions of families and people with pre-existing conditions.

And the RSC’s budget, of course, includes trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthiest few and large corporations, leaving working class people, middle-class families to pick up the tab.

The Republican agenda released yesterday is dangerous and disastrous for America and the American people. The contrast could not be clearer: while Democrats invest in the American people, the Republican agenda released yesterday is dangerous, disastrous for the American people.
