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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Hitting Two New Milestones In Confirming 100 People Of Color And 50 Black Judges To The Federal Bench, More Than The Full First Term Of Any President

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the Senate’s upcoming confirmation of 100 women and 100 people of color to the federal bench during President Biden’s first term. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Earlier this week, I’m proud to say – really proud to say – that the Senate Majority confirmed the one hundredth woman to the federal bench since President Biden took office, and I’m equally proud to say it was the one hundred fiftieth judge overall.

Today, the Senate will hit two more significant milestones. After we confirm Monica Almadani and Brandy McMillion today, this Senate Majority will have confirmed fifty Black judges and one hundred people of color to the bench.

Democrats are making our courts look more like America: this majority has confirmed more women, more Black people, more people of color to the bench, than any full first term of any previous president. That’s a record to be proud of.

Under President Trump, just sixteen percent of judicial nominations were people of color. Under President Biden and this Senate Majority, one hundred of the now more than one hundred fifty judges have been people of color.

And yesterday, the Senate confirmed Ramon Reyes as a District Judge for the Eastern District of New York. Judge Reyes is now the only male federal judge of Puerto Rican descent, and the second Hispanic man, to ever sit on the Eastern District.

Judge Reyes is a truly outstanding jurist who will be an excellent addition to the Eastern District. I was proud to recommend his nomination to President Biden, and even prouder to see him confirmed yesterday.
