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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Moving Forward With The National Defense Authorization Act

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the National Defense Authorization Act. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here.  

Yesterday, I moved to proceed to the National Defense Authorization Act.  We will have our first vote on Tuesday. This bill was reported out of the Armed Services Committee on a huge 25-1 bipartisan vote.

We’re encouraging filing amendments for the manager’s package before the close of business today.

Senator McConnell, the committees, and I will have our teams working over the weekend to see what we can include in the package of amendments.

Undoubtedly, hundreds of amendments will be filed to this important piece of legislation. I am hopeful that all committee chairs and committee rankers will work together in good faith.

Obviously, both sides will want to have amendments votes.  Just like we have in recent efforts, I am willing to ensure we consider and vote a reasonable number of amendments.

No senator wants a dilatory process. I know Senators Reed and Wicker, who have done such a fine job putting together a bipartisan bill, will work with Senator McConnell and me and we will develop a list of amendment votes and hopefully can proceed from there.

There are important issues that I believe we must address while we are on the floor.  We must consider a Chinese government competition package.  We must consider the Australia, United Kingdom, and United States submarine deal.  I know there will be more to do here next week, and I look forward to the debate here on the floor.
