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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Resolution Honoring The Passing Of American Icon Tony Bennett

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the passing of Tony Bennett, and the resolution to make August 3rd, “Tony Bennett Day.” Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Finally, on a great, great American icon, Anthony Dominick Benedetto, more affectionately and widely known as Tony Bennett.

We lost an American icon last week, a son of Astoria, Queens, and one of the most beloved singers of our time, the incomparable, wonderful, caring, Tony Bennett.

On Tuesday, I introduced a resolution declaring Tony Bennett’s birthday, August 3rd, as “Tony Bennett Day.”

It didn’t matter if you were young or old or in the middle, a close friend or a new fan, everyone just loved Tony. Just to hear him sing a few bars, you knew he cared about you, and he really cared about the words of the song. He wasn't just getting up there to make money. He really wanted to show his love for music and for people.

Tony Bennett leaves behind a tremendous legacy that will inspire generations of artists to come, and I look forward to passing this resolution honoring him a little bit later.
