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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Upcoming Confirmation Vote Of Georgia Alexakis And The Urgent Need To Pass FAA Reauthorization

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the Senate continuing to confirm President Biden’s highly qualified and diverse judges, and the imminent need to reauthorize the FAA. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

A very busy period just ended for the Senate, and another one begins.

This morning, the Senate will vote on the confirmation of Georgia Alexakis to be a District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois. Once confirmed, she will be the 194th federal judge confirmed under President Biden.

On the legislative front, the next deadline Congress faces is May 10th. That is the day by which the President must sign FAA reauthorization.

The Senate will begin the work of FAA reauthorization this afternoon, by holding our first procedural vote on this bill.

Both parties have an incentive to work together to get FAA done as quickly and as smoothly as we can, to keep our skies safe and our federal employees well taken care of.

Getting FAA reauthorization done will provide for more air traffic controllers, for more safety inspectors at manufacturing plants, and better customer service standards, all of which are so badly needed.

So, I hope the Senate can get this important piece of legislation done with as much bipartisan goodwill as possible.
