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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On This Week’s Accomplishments In The Senate

Washington, D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the Senate’s progress this week on executive and judicial nominations, the Railway Safety Act, the SAFE Banking Act and vital health legislation. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

It has been a very, very busy week on and off the Senate floor. There is so much going on in the country that it may have overshadowed the fact that it has been an extremely busy week and much is being accomplished this week.

On the floor, we confirmed more of President Biden’s appointees to important positions across the government.

And today, we will vote to advance Bradley Garcia to serve as a Circuit Court Judge for the D.C. Circuit, one of the most important federal courts in the country, teeing up his confirmation for Monday when the Senate returns.

Off the floor, our committees are hard at work holding hearings and advancing important nominees and legislation.

The Commerce Committee, yesterday, moved the Railway Safety Act—sponsored by Senators Brown and Vance of Ohio—out of committee and with bipartisan support. I thank the Senators from Ohio and Senators Casey and Fetterman from Pennsylvania and other cosponsors for their work on this bill after the derailment in East Palestine, and I look forward to working with them to bring it to the floor for a vote.

And today, the Banking Committee is holding a hearing on our bipartisan cannabis legislation, the SAFE Banking Act. We made a lot of good, bipartisan progress on SAFE Banking last Congress, and the work is continuing.

And there is also a markup today in the HELP Committee on legislation for PBM reform, which could lead to lower costs of insulin for non-Medicare Americans.

So, it has been a very busy week in the Senate on very important issues that affect us all: rail safety, SAFE banking—making growing and selling marijuana safe—and PBM reform which can lead to reduction of insulin costs for non-Medicare people. We’ll keep moving ahead with our work to support the American people and reward the trust they placed in us.
