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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Today’s All-Senators Classified Briefing Regarding The Unknown Objects Entering U.S. Airspace

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding this morning’s all-senators classified briefing on the unknown objects that U.S. forces shot down over the weekend. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

We are learning more and more about these four objects by the hour.

U.S. and Canadian forces are working to recover the objects that were shot down. In the briefing, the military and intelligence people outlined their approach to each of the four objects.

What I can say after our briefing is that our defense and intelligence agencies are focused like a laser on gathering every piece of information about these objects to figure out exactly what's happening. What we saw over the weekend is that if they see anything that is a threat to America, or the American people, they will take appropriate action. And they made clear that Americans are in no physical harm on the ground from any of these objects.

The military and intelligence agencies are working around the clock to come up with a more comprehensive picture of what is happening, and as they recover more evidence the picture will be filled in, in a careful, thoughtful, but decisive way.

The Administration is carefully evaluating, as I said, each of the four objects as they happen, and I believe they've taken the right approach on each of the four objects.

We still have questions about many issues, but they are making every real effort, and the American people should have a good deal of confidence in our military and intelligence to handle our security.
