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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Today’s Upcoming Senate Vote To Advance The Bipartisan Tax Relief For American Families And Workers Act

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor calling on the upcoming vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to the bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

Today, the Senate has the chance to move forward on the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act.

Democrats are ready to advance bipartisan – bipartisan – tax relief today. The question is: will Senate Republicans join us to give Americans a tax break, or will they stand in the way?

Will Senate Republicans join us to give businesses a tax break? Give families with children a tax break? Give our housing markets a tax break? Or, will they stand in the way?

This is bipartisan legislation if there ever was any. The bipartisan tax bill passed the House 357-70. It won majorities from both parties. It was written, along with Senator Wyden, who did a great job, by the conservative Republican Chair of Ways and Means Committee, hardly a liberal. So, we know this is not only a good bill, it’s a bipartisan bill.

If the tax break bill was able to unite a group as divided as House Republicans, then it should certainly not be blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

It’s good to talk about standing up for families and business, but not if you then turn around and then vote against them here in the Senate. Today is a good opportunity for both sides to show we back up good talk with strong action.

So, if you care about helping families, vote yes.

If you care about taking half a million kids out of poverty and giving relief to 16 million other families, so that they have enough money to give their kids clothes, and books, and food, vote yes.

If you care about promoting business and getting an R&D tax credit – something that always had bipartisan support – passed so that businesses can invest in new machinery and equipment and hire new workers, vote yes.

And if you care about solving the housing crisis – whether it's rural, where it has become a big problem, or urban or suburban – please vote yes.

I want to give many thanks to my colleagues: Chairman Wyden for his leadership, the whole Finance Committee, and particularly Senators Brown and Casey and Bennet as well as Cantwell and Hassan who worked so long and hard on this bill.
