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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Upcoming Senate Business And Bipartisan Priorities

Washington, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the confirmation of  Darrel Papillion, the US-Chile Tax Treaty Markup, and advancing bipartisan legislation. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

As Congress fulfills its responsibility to avoid default, the Senate begins this work period with a lot of work to do both on and off the floor.

Later this afternoon, the Senate will vote on the confirmation of Darrel Papillion to be a District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Off the floor, Senators will be busy with a number of important hearings on a wide range of bipartisan priorities.

This Thursday, for instance, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a markup on a critical treaty for the United States, the U.S.-Chile Tax treaty. At stake in this treaty is access to critical minerals like lithium that make everything from iPhones to EVs function. The world is racing to source these materials, and this U.S.-Chile Treaty would give America an important edge. Thursday’s markup represents a crucial step towards ratifying this treaty.

Also during the work period, I look forward to working with colleagues on both sides to begin the process of advancing bipartisan legislation to 1) outcompete the Chinese government, 2) prepare for a future defined by Artificial Intelligence, 3) to lower the costs of prescription drugs including insulin, 4) to strengthen rail safety regulations, and 5) to build on our work for the past two years to make the U.S. more competitive and more prosperous in the 21st century.

I thank my colleagues for their good work.
