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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Recognizing The Work Of AFL-CIO’s Bill Samuel

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor honoring Bill Samuel’s impact as he steps down from his position at the AFL-CIO. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

I would like to take a moment to recognize Bill Samuel of the AFL-CIO, a man who has spent his career fighting for America’s working men and women.

So many of us in this chamber – on both sides of the aisle – have worked closely with Bill over the decades, and we will certainly miss him as he steps down from his long time post of the director of government affairs for the AFL-CIO.

Ever since his early days in the labor movement – when he worked for the National Treasury Employees Union, the American Federation of Government Employees, and the United Mine Workers – Bill has been at the forefront of improving working conditions. He continued that fight while serving at the Department of Labor and on the staff of former Vice President Al Gore.

In 2001, after AFL-CIO President John Sweeney hired Bill to lead his congressional efforts, Bill quickly got to work, organizing lobbying and grassroots efforts, communicating with Senators, Members of Congress, the Administration, and AFL-CIO member unions. Bill quickly gained the trust of Members through his candor, his dedication, and his pragmatism. Through his partnership with the AFL-CIO’s next president, Rich Trumka, Bill brought the labor movement’s legislative effort to new heights.  

Bill was a tireless advocate, working closely with us on critically important legislative efforts such as the Employee Free Choice Act, the Affordable Care Act, the Border Security Act of 2013 – man, our country would have been better off had that bill had passed the House – the pensions bill, CHIPS, Infrastructure, the Inflation Reduction Act, and so much more.

We may not have won every battle, but we were always there, fighting to improve the lives of working men and women. I wish Bill the best as he moves on to new challenges and I am comforted in knowing he will still be involved in the fight for progress.
