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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Welcoming Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese To The Capitol

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the Australian Prime Minister Albanese’s visit and the upcoming meeting today. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Later this morning, it will be my honor to welcome Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia to the U.S. Capitol for a bipartisan meeting.

Australia is a key ally, partner, and friend of the United States. The strength of the U.S.-Australia alliance is illustrated powerfully by the AUKUS trilateral agreement, and by our shared commitment to enhancing Indo-Pacific security, and by our strong economic bonds.

I will tell the Prime Minister that the Senate will keep working to pass all of the AUKUS agreement, because our national security interests align with respect to China. I was proud to work alongside my Senate colleagues to include AUKUS Pillar Two in the Senate NDAA, and I will work with my House colleagues during the NDAA conference to secure its inclusion in the final bill. We are now working to make sure Australia can receive the Virginia class submarines that are an essential part of the trilateral agreement.

So again, I thank Prime Minister Albanese for meeting with us today, and look forward to discussing the importance of AUKUS and finding new, innovative ways to collaborate.
