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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Making Progress On President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding progress made on reaching an agreement on President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.  Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:
Even as we work to push legislation in defense of our democracy, Senate Democrats are also making good progress on reaching an agreement on President Biden’s Build Back Better plan.

Yesterday, Senate Democrats had a very spirited—and very positive—caucus lunch to go over the latest outstanding items before we can all reach a deal. We walked out of that lunch united in our desire to reach an agreement this week. I believe we can get it done, and I want to thank all my colleagues for their leadership, diligence, and focus on reaching an end result.

We are going to keep talking to each other all week long until we get the job done. Later this morning I will speak again with the Speaker and with the White House to go over the latest details of the President’s proposals. I have spoken to the President just about every day and Speaker Pelosi several times per day about these issues. I will continue meeting with my caucus to keep us all on the same page, because being on the same page we must.

Everyone is going to have to compromise if we are to find that legislative sweet spot that we can all get behind. Nobody will get everything they want, but no matter what, our final proposal will deliver the core promise we made to the American people:

We will take bold action against the climate crisis while creating millions of new, good paying jobs.

We will expand economic opportunity and lower costs for working Americans.

And we will cut taxes for working and Middle Class Americans while asking the wealthy to pay their fair share. 

In short, we will deliver on a bill that dramatically improves the lives of millions and millions and millions of American families. 

We are getting closer to an agreement; we want to finalize a deal by the end of this week. But we all must keep moving, together.
