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Ahead Of Secretary Pompeo’s Tuesday Meeting With Putin In Russia, Leader Schumer Urges Pompeo To Make Clear That Interference In U.S. Elections Will Not Be Tolerated And Would Be Met With Immediate And Robust Response

On The Heels Of Special Counsel Mueller’s Report, Which Documented An Insidious Disinformation Campaign Against The Wellspring Of Our Democracy — Our Elections, Leader Schumer Urges Pompeo In New Letter To Tell Putin In Their Tuesday Meeting In Sochi That Any Attempt To Interfere In U.S. Elections Will Not Be Tolerated 

Leader Schumer Says That President Trump’s Approach To President Putin, Particularly As It Relates To Election Security, Must Change

Schumer To Sec. Pompeo: Tell Putin, Any Action To Interfere In Our Elections Will Be Met With An Immediate And Robust Response

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today sent a new letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging the Secretary of State to make clear to Russian President Vladimir Putin during their scheduled Tuesday meeting that interference in U.S. elections will not be tolerated, and that any action to interfere in our elections will be met with an immediate and robust response. The letter follows the release of Special Counsel Mueller’s report, which documented the “sweeping and systemic” disinformation campaign directed by President Putin to undermine our 2016 elections, and recent warnings from FBI Director Wray that the United States should be prepared for another attack on our election systems in 2020. In the letter, Leader Schumer adds that President Trump’s approach to President Putin, particularly as it relates to election security, must change.

Leader Schumer’s letter to Secretary Pompeo can be found here and below:

Dear Secretary Pompeo:

I write regarding your trip to Russia where you will reportedly be meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In recent weeks, the American people have heard yet again that Vladimir Putin directed a “sweeping and systematic” attack on our democracy. Special Counsel Mueller’s report documented an insidious disinformation campaign against the wellspring of our democracy — our elections. 

Even more recently, FBI Director Christopher Wray told the American people that the Russian efforts in the 2018 elections were just a dress rehearsal for 2020 and that we should be prepared for another active measures campaign to attack our election systems. Director Wray’s remarks should send a chill down all of our spines.

During your meeting with Vladimir Putin, it is critical that you warn him that any action to interfere in our elections will be met with an immediate and robust response. President Trump’s approach to dealing with President Putin, especially on this vital issue, must change. I urge you to make absolutely clear to President Putin that interference in U.S. elections will not be tolerated. 


Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator
