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As President Trump Visits Wisconsin, Senators Schumer and Baldwin Urge the President to Support Legislation to Make 'Buy American, Hire American' the Law of the Land and Truly Deliver on His Promises to American Workers

Despite Routine Campaign Promises that His Administration Would Follow Two Principles, “Buy American and Hire American”, President Trump Has Still Done Next to Nothing to Support American Workers The Trump Administration Has Repeatedly Failed, in a Number of Ways, When it Comes to Supporting the American Worker, Such As Approving The Keystone Pipeline Being Built with Foreign Steel And Refusing to Push for New Buy America Requirements in Latest WRDA Legislation Schumer & Baldwin to President T

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) today called on President Donald J. Trump to finally fulfill his campaign promises to fight for and protect the American worker by announcing his support for legislation to make ‘Buy American, Hire American’ the law of the land and ensure America’s infrastructure is rebuilt with American iron and American steel. Specifically, the Senators urged President Trump to announce his support for Senator Baldwin’s Made in America Water Infrastructure Act, which would require that 100 percent American-made iron and steel is used in water infrastructure projects funded by the Drinking and Water State Revolving Fund. The Senators’ call comes as President Trump visits Wisconsin to unveil a new executive order, which does little to actually help the life of American workers today. 

Leader Schumer also noted a number of examples in which the Trump administration has repeatedly failed to support the American worker. These include, but are not limited to: the President’s failure to stand up to China and close loopholes in our existing Buy America laws; his recent move to block implementation of an overtime rule that would put thousands of dollars in middle class workers’ pockets; the signing of legislation into law that allow federal contractors who mistreat their workers and don’t pay them what they are owed to compete side by side with those who follow the law and actually treat their workers with dignity and respect; his lack of attempts to move legislation to end tax breaks for companies who ship American jobs overseas; the approval of the Keystone pipeline being built with foreign steel; and his refusal to push for new Buy America requirements in the latest Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).

“Despite campaign promises that President Trump would fight for the American worker, reality hasn’t matched his rhetoric,” said Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer. “President Trump’s empty executive orders and policies put profits over people, and wealthy CEOs over workers. If the President is serious about Buy American and Hire American, he can announce his support for Senator Baldwin’s Made in America Water Infrastructure Act today in Wisconsin.”

“I welcome President Trump's visit to Wisconsin today to highlight a top priority of mine. I’ve long called for President Trump to make good on his Buy America pledge and support my legislation to rebuild our infrastructure with American iron and steel,” said Senator Baldwin. “While today’s Executive Order is a step forward, Wisconsin workers can’t wait for studies and reports – we need real action now. President Trump should support my Buy America reforms, join me in taking on the status quo and make a commitment to push Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan on legislative action.”