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Following Trump DOJ Decision To Side With Ruling That Would Strike Down Our Entire Healthcare System, All 47 Senate Democrats Introduce Resolution To Reverse DOJ, To Save Pre-Existing Condition Protections And Health Care For Millions

The Trump DOJ Recently Announced They Side With A Texas Federal Judge’s Ruling That Deems Current Health Care Law Unconstitutional— Senate Dem Resolution Would Reverse DOJ’s Position, Siding With Keeping Current Health Care Law Intact 

DOJ’s Decision Is Expansion Of Its Previous Refusal To Defend Our Current Health Care Law And The Latest Example Of The Administration’s All-Out Assault On Healthcare System; Would Cause Prescription Drug Costs To Soar And Leave Up To 133 Million Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions, Older Americans, And Women At Risk For Higher Health Care Costs Or Denial Of Coverage Altogether 

Senate Dems To Trump Administration: Reverse The DOJ’s Calamitous Decision To Side With A Misguided And Awful Ruling That Would Hurt Millions Of Americans 

Washington, D.C.—  All 47 Senate Democrats today introduced a Senate resolution— led by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)— that would reverse the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) recent decision to side with U.S. District Court Judge Reed O’Connor’s ruling that deems health care protections enjoyed by hundreds of millions unconstitutional. This latest act of health care sabotage from the Trump administration could result in 133 million Americans losing protections for pre-existing conditions, millions more Americans without health insurance, soaring prescription drug spending for seniors, and much more. After Congressional Republicans zeroed out the health insurance coverage requirement in their partisan tax legislation, the State of Texas and a coalition of 19 other states legally challenged the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act in the Texas vs. United States lawsuit. Instead of defending the law and its vital health care protections, the Trump administration’s Department of Justice chose to side with the 20 states challenging our health care law last summer, arguing that pre-existing condition protections are unconstitutional. Late last year, U.S. District Court Judge Reed O’Connor’s sided with Texas and ruled to strike down the entire current health care law.  Now, the DOJ has expanded its position, now arguing on the side of Judge O’Connor that the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. 

The resolution introduced by all 47 Senate Democrats today outlines the dire consequences for hardworking American families of this politically-motivated action and proclaims the DOJ’s decision must be reversed.

“The Trump administration has doubled down on its assault on American health care by supporting an effort to completely eliminate our health care law through the courts—sending health care costs soaring for millions of Americans and revoking affordable coverage for tens of millions more,” said Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). “The consequences of this politically-motivated decision are dire, and that is why we call on all senators who proclaim to be in favor of pre-existing condition protections to join us in supporting this resolution to reverse the DOJ’s misguided and cruel decision.”

“The administration’s assault on Americans’ health care cannot go unanswered, which is why today I’m introducing a resolution that calls on the Department of Justice to reverse its position in the Texas v. United States lawsuit. Ensuring the health and safety of the American people should transcend politics. I am urging Republicans to support this resolution and work with Democrats to fix our health care law – not repeal it,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). “Congressional Republicans have a choice here – sit idly by while the president strips their constituents of their health care coverage, or work with Democrats to protect Americans’ care and improve the system.”
