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Joint Schumer-Cotton Statement After Senate Passes Motion To Instruct NDAA Conference Committee To Retain And Strengthen Provision To Keep Huawei On Entity List

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) today issued the following joint statement after the Senate passed their Motion to Instruct the NDAA Conference Committee to retain and strengthen an amendment from Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) to the NDAA that would prohibit President Trump from removing Huawei from the entity list without the consent of Congress:

“Huawei is the eyes and ears of the Chinese Communist Party overseas and a menace to our economic and national security. Today, the Senate sent a strong message that Huawei should be treated like the Chinese spy company that it is. We urge all conferees to include this important measure in the final version of the NDAA.”

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