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Joint Schumer, Pelosi Statement On Trump Press Conference & Photo-Op

Washington, D.C. –Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after President Trump tear-gassed peaceful protestors following a press conference in which he ordered troops to “dominate the streets”:

“Across our country, Americans are protesting for an end to the pattern of racial injustice and brutality we saw most recently in the murder of George Floyd. 

“Yet, at a time when our country cries out for unification, this President is ripping it apart.  Tear-gassing peaceful protestors without provocation just so that the President could pose for photos outside a church dishonors every value that faith teaches us.

“We call upon the President, law enforcement and all entrusted with responsibility to respect the dignity and rights of all Americans.  Together, we must insist on the truth that America must do much more to live up to its promise: the promise of liberty and justice for all, which so many have sacrificed for – from Dr. King to John Lewis to peaceful protestors on the streets today.

“At this challenging time, our nation needs real leadership.  The President’s continued fanning of the flames of discord, bigotry and violence is cowardly, weak and dangerous.” 
