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Joint Statement From Leaders Pelosi And Schumer On President Trump’s Remarks On Suspicious Packages Sent To Democratic Leaders, CNN

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer issued this statement after President Trump made remarks on suspicious packages sent to Democratic leaders and CNN:

“Once again, we salute the heroism of America’s first responders as they work to counter the outrageous mail bomb attacks.

"We listened with great interest to the President's remarks this afternoon.  We all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and protect the American people, and that is our first responsibility.

"However, President Trump's words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condone acts of violence.

"Time and time again, the President has condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and his actions: expressing support for the Congressman who body-slammed a reporter, the neo-Nazis who killed a young woman in Charlottesville, his supporters at rallies who get violent with protestors, dictators around the world who murder their own citizens, and referring to the free press as the enemy of the people."

