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Leader Schumer And Speaker Pelosi Demand Sen. McConnell End Republican Inaction On Heroes Act; Dem Leaders Call For Immediate Bipartisan, Bicameral Negotiations To Address Public Health & Economic Crises

Today Marks 45 Days Since The House Of Representatives Passed Heroes Act – Leader Schumer And Speaker Pelosi Say Senate Republicans’ Callous, Deliberate Inaction On Legislation To Address Public Health And Economic Crises Is Harming American People

Washington, D.C.—In a new letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) today called for immediate bipartisan, bicameral negotiations on legislation to address the public health and economic crises caused by COVID-19. 

Specifically, Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi note that Senate Republicans have failed to act on the Heroes Act or any significant coronavirus legislation in the United States Senate since the House of Representatives passed the Heroes Act 45 days ago today. The Democratic leaders also emphasize that they have been ready to enter into bipartisan, bicameral negotiations on much-needed new legislation to address the public health and economic crises due to COVID-19 with Leader McConnell, but the Republican leader has refused to do so for more than two months.

Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi add that as Americans struggle to make ends meet amid continued uncertainty, as our health care and childcare systems face extraordinary burdens, and as our state and local governments strain to provide essential services, the consequences of Republicans’ inaction are deepening economic pain.

Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi’s letter to Leader McConnell can be found here and below:

June 29, 2020

The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader

S-230, The Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Leader McConnell:

It has been 45 days since the House of Representatives passed the Heroes Act to help the American people through the public health and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Senate Republicans have refused to take up the Heroes Act or any significant coronavirus legislation in the United States Senate during that

time. Though Democrats have repeatedly requested to enter into bipartisan, bicameral negotiations on additional legislation with you, such conversations have not happened in over two months.

Meanwhile, the nation has seen a dramatic surge in both cases and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Adding to that pain, our economy is facing one of its greatest challenges since the Great Depression. Over one fifth of the workforce has requested unemployment assistance. Now is the time for action, not continued delays and political posturing.

Already, the consequences of that inaction have been dire. State and local governments are struggling to provide essential services and have laid off over 1.5 million workers. Our perennially underfunded schools are fighting an uphill battle to prepare for the fall. A lack of federal resources may not allow them to safely re-open. As localities prepare for the 2020 general election and urge more federal resources to hold safe elections, President Trump and Congressional Republicans have spread misinformation about voting by mail. As Americans struggle to make rent payments and face evictions and as our health care and childcare systems face unprecedented burdens, Senate Republicans have been missing in action at your direction.

Americans need and deserve bold action now. We have overcome larger problems than the COVID-19 pandemic but not without powerful and effective actions by our government. We are outraged that instead of holding bipartisan, bicameral negotiations during the June work period, you chose to prioritize the confirmation of rightwing judges and several Republican-led committees devoted precious time to chasing President Trump’s wild conspiracy theories. The House has acted. It is unacceptable that the Senate would recess without addressing this urgent issue. On behalf of the millions of American families who desperately need Congressional action, we demand you change your mind and decide to work with us for the good of the country.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter of great urgency to the American people.


Charles E. Schumer                                                                Nancy Pelosi

Democratic Leader                                                                 Speaker of the House

U.S. Senate                                                                             U.S. House of Representatives 

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