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Leader Schumer Demands Information From Acting DNI Director And Intelligence Community IG On How They Are Protecting The Security Of IC Whistleblower Amid Growing Concern That President Trump Or Others May Disclose Whistleblower’s Identity

In New Letter to Acting DNI Director and Intelligence Community Inspector General, Leader Schumer Notes Growing Concern for Safety and Security of Intelligence Community Whistleblower Amid Ongoing, Public Attacks from President Trump and Continued Threats to Expose His or Her Identity

Leader Schumer Demands Information from Appropriate Authorities on Their Plans to Ensure the Security of the Whistleblower, And Others Who May Come Forward 

Leader Schumer to Acting DNI Director And Intelligence Community Inspector General: Whistleblower Under Attack and In Increasing Danger of Unlawful Exposure, Steps Must Be Taken to Ensure Safety and Protect Identity

Washington, D.C.— Amid growing concern for the safety of the intelligence community whistleblower and continued, ill-advised statements from President Trump attacking the whistleblower’s credibility and threatening to reveal his or her identity, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today sent a letter to Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire and Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson demanding additional information regarding ongoing steps taken to protect the identity and security of the whistleblower, and of any others who may come forward.

In the letter, Leader Schumer notes that following the whistleblower’s disclosure of urgent, credible concerns about serious misconduct and abuse of power by President Trump, the president attacked the whistleblower as “a fraud,” suggested that the whistleblower’s sources are spies who should be executed for “treason,” and stated that he is “trying to find out” the whistleblower’s identity.

These comments, as well as President Trump’s well-documented habit of condoning violence by his supporters, and increasing concern that the whistleblower’s identity may be exposed, raise serious concern about the whistleblower’s security and protection. Leader Schumer requests critical information regarding plans to ensure that these whistleblowers are adequately protected.

Leader Schumer’s letter to Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire and Inspector General Michael Atkinson can be found here and below:

October 21, 2019

The Honorable Joseph Maguire

Acting Director

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Washington, DC  20511

The Honorable Michael K. Atkinson

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

Washington, DC  20511

Dear Acting Director Maguire and Inspector General Atkinson:

I am writing to ask what specific steps you are taking to protect the security of the intelligence community whistleblower.  As you know, on August 12, 2019, the whistleblower reported urgent, credible concerns about serious misconduct and abuse of power by President Trump.  The whistleblower filed a complaint pursuant to 50 U.S.C. § 3033(k)(5)(A), and under the law is entitled to protection against retaliation. 

Regrettably, however, President Trump has attacked the whistleblower as “a fraud,” referred to the complaint as “fake,” and even suggested that the whistleblower’s sources are spies who should be executed for “treason.”  The President has also incorrectly stated that he has a right to “confront” the whistleblower, and has said that he is “trying to find out” the whistleblower’s identity -- notwithstanding the fact that whistleblower anonymity is protected by law.

In light of these ill-advised statements, the President’s lack of respect for the rule of law and his well-documented habit of condoning violence by his supporters, I am concerned that he may disclose the whistleblower’s identity or cause it to be disclosed.  If that were to happen, the two of you must be prepared to protect the whistleblower from both workplace reprisal and threats to his or her personal safety.  I understand that some security measures may already have been taken, but I fear that risks may increase in the event that the whistleblower’s identity is disclosed.  I also note reports that one or more additional whistleblowers may be coming forward, creating added security concerns.   I therefore ask that you inform me regarding your plans to ensure that these whistleblowers are adequately protected.

